Happy Friday, friends! It’s been a loooooooong time!! We’d been in a bit of hibernation mode dedicating almost every waking hour we had to our brand new posing course, but now we’re back and excited to reinstate Friday Fun!
If you’re new to Friday Fun, click here to read the first one before you get started!
And if you’re already familiar with Friday Fun, welcome back! Here’s a recap of some of our favorite moments from the week, the small little things that may or may not matter, but nonetheless colored and flavored our week.
— CONFESSION: It’s been OVER ONE YEAR since our last Friday Fun.
— Friends, that’s not just just “dropping the ball.” That’s the volleyball Tom Hanks found in Castaway. Alone on a deserted island with no rescue in sight. It’s been so long that Friday Fun thought it’d never get home.
— We’ve still had fun over the last year. In case you were worried about us.
— So, what happened this week? Little people. Invaded.
— We hosted our seven-year-old niece and four-year-old nephew for a sleepover at our new house. The highlights?
1. Our nephew sweetly nuzzling his face into our cat during Minute One. Then his bloodshot eyes confirming for us that he’s HIGHLY allergic in Minute Two.
2. Playing Beauty and the Beast at the park across the street. Jordan obviously being Beast. Also playing “shark” in the pool (to delighted shrieks at volume levels yet to be recognized by NASA) and hide and go seek throughout the house. Aunt “Mimi” is the best hider.
3. Feeling EXHAUSTED after just a few hours… and praising the Lord for kids movies on Netflix. Parents, we will never judge you again for handing your child an iPad or laptop to steal just a MOMENT of quiet.
— Speaking of toddlers, we also hosted our dear friends, Jen, Aaron and their toddler Serena for a weekend staycation. Jen owns Tonic Site Shop and designed our new website a few years ago. She had us with her dirty talk. I think we need more thin blush lines over here. And… While we’re working, I made homemade bread! And… Would you like more Nespresso?
— We’ve been friends ever since.
— Even though we love working with Jen, we love being with her even more, so we planned a work-free trip and. it. was. the. best.
— Her husband, Aaron, is basically a centaur. Half man, half horse. He’s made for athletics and adventure. So, while the the girls lounged by the pool, Jordan chased Aaron up and down the mountain near our house in 100-degree heat.
— Bonus after spending time with Aaron: Jordan might be able to fit into his wedding suits again.
— Jen, true to form, cooked all weekend. We didn’t object. But we did learn a few lessons about living with little ones.
1. If they pee on the couch, you can wash the covers! Who knew?!
2. If they accidentally draw with marker on the hardwood floors, it comes off if it’s dry erase!
— Seriously, though, watching Jen and Aaron with Serena was like witnessing a parenting clinic. People should have to pay to watch how well they’re raising her — and we had a front row seat. We love the three of them so much that we can barely contain ourselves that there will soon be a FOURTH OLMSTEAD.
— Jordan’s highlight? Reading one of his favorite childhood books (Put Me in the Zoo) to Serena on the last night, and listening to her say, “Zoo!” every time he pointed to her.
— Amy’s highlight? Eating. Everything that Jen made. She might look tiny, people, but her appetite is MIGHTY.
— Having the three of them stay with us this past week was so good for the soul. We snuck in a little desert shoot while they were here, so stay tuned for that next week!
You can catch up on older, but equally awesome, Friday Fun posts by clicking here:
Edition 1 • Edition 2 • Edition 3 • Edition 4 • Edition 5 • Edition 6 • Edition 7 • Edition 8 • Edition 9 • Edition 10 • Edition 11 • Edition 12 • Edition 13 • Edition 14 • Edition 15 • Edition 16 • Edition 17 • Edition 18