It’s Monday morning.
The house is quiet. Finally. You sit down on the couch to fold laundry, one of the multiple loads you do every single day. Because you have a newborn who spits up, and a toddler who likes crayons and using their onesie… as a napkin. You start folding. One piece at a time. Looking up toward the kitchen mid-fold, only to see the dishes piled up in the sink. It’s like Whack-a-Mole, you swear. The second you get it cleaned up, another one pops up. You sigh, and think to yourself, One thing at a time. You look back down at your hands. The ones holding your son’s Paw Patrol underwear. You think about the night before, when you walked in on him playing in his room. With nothing on. Except those. And cowboy boots. It brought a small “this-is-all-worth-it” smile to your face on an evening when you didn’t feel like smiling.
Because your newborn hadn’t slept. In what felt like weeks. You’re in there so many nights. For so long. Rocking her to sleep. That you and two o’clock are on a first-name basis now, because you see 2:00 a.m. as much as you see 2:00 p.m. Maybe more. And you’re tired. So tired. Because you can’t remember the last time you went to the bathroom alone, finished a shower without hearing cries or had enough time to do your hair and makeup before Ellen came on. You look back down. At the Paw Patrol underwear. Fold it. And place it in it’s pile.
That’s when you notice your phone. Popping out from between two couch cushions. Surrounded by a sea of T-sized shorts and shirts. The screen’s filled with notifications. Facebook. Instagram. Snapchat. Pinterest. You slide your thumb across the bar. It opens. You click the app. It opens, too. That’s when you see it. The twenty-something traipsing through Europe. The entrepreneur launching the next big thing. The other mom. In a Pinterest-perfect house.
You wanted an escape. Just for a few minutes. But you fell into a trap. The trap. That so many moms do. Because they’ve told us. Of thinking that what they’re doing — what you’re doing — isn’t as important as what you see online.
And, sometimes, you feel less-than. Because that’s the message the world sends, isn’t it?
After all, you don’t get likes on Facebook for helping with late-night homework, and nobody gives you hearts on Instagram for scrubbing vomit out of the carpet while it’s still in your hair because you tried to carry your toddler to the toilet but didn’t make it in time. Publications don’t feature you for that. Nobody gives you a badge for your blog for that. Nobody re-pins that.
You’re told that you’re doing the important job in the world, yet the world doesn’t act like it, because time and time again it rewards things that don’t matter as much louder than it recognizes what matters most.
We don’t have children of our own, but as two elementary school teachers who spent years in the trenches with families, we had a front row seat to the nitty gritty. The exhaustion. The reality of your day-to-day routine. Soccer practice. Homework. Snack time. Bath time. Dinner time. Story time. Bed time. All the time. We had tearful conversations with moms and dads who sat on the couches of our classrooms and felt like failures. And now, as we teach and coach so many business owners who are also parents, we’re reminded again of how easy it is to get things flipped. For perspective to get warped. For moms to feel like they’re failing because they’re subject to everyone else’s highlight reels. What the world says “success” is supposed to look like.
This weekend, we heard a quote that stuck with us. It was D.L. Moody who said, “Our greatest fear should not be of failure, but of succeeding at something that doesn’t really matter.”
Moms, the next time you look down, with bags under your eyes and Paw Patrol underwear in your hands, when you haven’t slept, can’t remember that last time you showered and what you see on social media makes you feel less-than.
Remember this:
You might be “failing” at the world’s definition of success, but you’re succeeding at one of the only things that really matters.
Keep it up. Because most of the world couldn’t keep up with you.
Amy & Jordan