One of the coolest parts about being wedding photographers is getting to know and love the couples we photograph, and stay in touch with them long after their wedding. Getting to shoot maternity sessions for our AJ Brides has become a really special part of our job, and we’re always so excited and honored when they choose us to capture such a sweet season in their lives. As you may have seen at last year’s AJ Bride Party if you follow along on Insta Story, our AJ Family is GROWING! With LOTS of AJ Babies!! And we couldn’t love it more. So when Stacy and David reached out to tell us they were expecting their first baby, you know we read that email with the biggest smiles.
Stacy and David’s wedding was the first and last time two things happened: First, we photographed their Four Seasons wedding on Halloween! The only October 31st wedding we’ve ever had! Second, Stacy surprised everyone and WORE A NAVY DRESS. It was such a bold choice that totally paid off!
One of the things we love about Stacy and David is how chill they are. Whatever the opposite of a bridezilla is, that’s what Stacy was! They’re also really clever. Their wedding hashtag is still one of our all-time favorites. If there was a nationwide competition for Best Wedding Hashtag, #TwoRedsWed would be a top contender. No doubt.
So, when Stacy reached out to let us know that they’re expecting their first son in June, we were so excited for them! Because it wasn’t that long ago we found out we were pregnant with our first baby, Beckett, and all the fun things that come with that sweet season of pregnancy.
To illustrate their sense of humor a little bit, during their maternity session, Jordan does what he does whenever someone hasn’t 100% settled on a name for their baby yet: he calls the belly Baby Jordan, and then quickly reminds everyone that it’s a gender neutral name. This time, David had an even better idea. They could combine our names and call their baby not Jordan, or Amy, but JAIME.
We’re all for it.
Stacy and David, we had the best time photographing your beautiful wedding day four years ago, and we feel so truly honored that you hired us again to capture this sweet season in time. Your son is a lucky little boy to have you as his parents. We hope you make good on your promise to use your new hashtag every time you post a picture from this session or of your new little man. We think this one even tops your wedding hashtag (#TwoRedsWed) and that’s really saying something! It’s like the sequel you think can’t possibly be better than the original… but then it is. #TwoRedsBred still has us laughing. Well, well played. Here’s to the next chapter of love and laughter in your story!