Happy Monday, friends! Today marks a really big milestone in our business: it’s officially been five years since we photographed our first wedding together. Five years! It went faster than we ever could’ve imagined.
Last week, Jordan sat at our kitchen table. His little sister to his left. He was pointing to the screen, showing her something on our new website. “It’s crazy,” he said quietly, gesturing a few feet down the hallway. “That’s where we cried on the bathroom floor when we weren’t sure what we’d gotten ourselves in to and didn’t know if we’d make it.” We’ll never forget sitting at our desks piled with math tests, giving all our best hours to our day jobs teaching elementary school and working around the clock to try to make this dream happen. Wondering if it was really possible.
He motioned back to the screen. To the fancy new website. To the portfolio. To the awards. To the accolades.
“And now this.”
That’s when it happened. Almost out of nowhere. His eyes started to well up. It was as if, for the first time in a long time, it’d finally sunk in: most businesses that started five years ago are out of business. But not ours. It’s like the famous Shania Twain song says, “We beat the odds together.” It felt almost impossible five years ago. But here we are.
And that’s why we wanna talk to you. Yes, you. Right there. The person reading each word that we’ve typed. You, at home, sitting on your couch, getting a few hours of work done before the kids wake up from their nap.
You, in your cubicle, at a day job you hate but “pays the bills,” eating a pre-made lunch, watching other people live their dreams on social media wishing you could just live yours, too, but feeling stuck and trapped like success is for everyone else except for you.
You, the high school senior, filling out college applications, one painful keystroke at a time, because your heart’s calling you to be creative, to start a business, but you’re scared you’ll miss your friends and can’t find the courage to do something that no one in your family has ever done before.
To you. To all of you. We get it. We remember what it was like to be newly married. To have nothing. To know nothing. But to go for it anyways.
Ever since the beginning, we promised ourselves that — if we ever made it to the other side — we’d never get so far away from the emotional pain that we experienced in those early years that we’d forget how bad it hurt; because the pain pushed us and the hurt made us hustle. As Dave Ramsey says, “People don’t change until the pain of same is worse than the pain of change.”
We don’t have all the answers, but we’ve learned a few things along the way. So, to celebrate our five-year anniversary, let’s celebrate you. Let’s celebrate the starter, the fighter, the day-in and day-outer. The struggler. The hustler. The grinder. The never-give-upper. Let’s celebrate the dreams that are worth fighting for. Today, let’s celebrate you.
You’re in the middle of the thing that you’ll get teary-eyed at the kitchen table talking about years from now. Because you’ll have beaten the odds. You’ll have made it.
So, don’t give up. Not today. Not right now. Not in this moment when the wind’s been knocked out of you. The wind will come back.
Just don’t stop breathing. And don’t stop pushing.
Because, if you do, five years from now, you won’t know what it feels like to sit on this side of the screen, and you won’t get to tell someone else that they can, too. Because we believe that all our hearts that success isn’t for the chosen few. It’s for those who choose to do what most people won’t do.
Choose to fight today, friend. We’re in your corner. And we can tell you with certainty that there’s so much to look forward to ahead.
We’re so proud of our shooting and editing course students all across the world! They’re shooting better, editing faster and serving their clients better than ever before!