Toward the very end of our second wedding this weekend, Amy’s left eye started twitching. Involuntarily. And persistently. It didn’t prevent her from shooting, but it was quite a nuisance, and also made her look just a little bit like a character out of a Harry Potter novel. Every few seconds, her upper eyelid would start to twitch. If she’d only had a peg leg and a walking stick, she’d’ve been the next Mad Eye Moody. In a dress.
We shot a fun confetti-filled grand exit, hugged our newest married couple (who we absolutely adored) goodbye, and got to bed around 1AM that night, which considering the way things have been the last few weeks, was pretty good in our book. You see, our schedule has been extra challenging, even for us, the Energizer Bunnies.
Within the last thirty days, we taught two intense workshops with full-scale styled shoots, which we held in between a real wedding and helping launch The Academy. We then immediately began preparations to get our place ready, as we welcomed some of our dearest friends into our home to be our very first house guests, while also preparing a talk for the biggest conference of the year. We soaked up every minute we could with our friends, stayed up late entrenched in good late-night conversation, and made time for breakout work sessions whenever we could. We shot a wedding that Saturday, then woke up early to drive to Las Vegas for WPPI. We worked in the car and made it just in time to spend a week connecting with friends we love, meeting new ones, and teaching our first ever master class. The days were so packed at the conference that sometimes we talked about what happened in the morning like it had happened the day before… only to realize we were still living that day. The nights were long, and the mornings were early, but we don’t regret any of it for a second. Late nights and good conversation are good for the soul, don’t you agree? We drove home to our first of three double-header weekends in a row, and there, on the night of the second wedding this past weekend, that’s when the twitch began.
We woke up for church, and the twitch? It was still there. Much to Amy’s dismay, it persisted during mascara application, coffee consumption, the worship session, and even our pastor’s message. It kept twitching as we quickly grabbed lunch on the way to a new client meeting, and it twitched all the way home. Finally, Amy had enough. There was only one thing to do…
Google it.
She typed in “How to stop a twitching eye” but little did she know, Google was going to hit us, well, straight between the eyes, if you will.
As Amy hit enter, here’s what she saw:
The causes of a twitching eye are generally related to:
Lack of Sleep
Too Much Caffeine
Seriously?! Have the powers at be at Google been following us around the past thirty days?! Fatigue. Stress. Lack of Sleep. Too Much Caffeine. WHOA!
As we looked at the words staring back at us on Amy’s phone, a wave of clarity rushed over us. We were planning on getting home from our new client meeting and working through a massive to-do list the rest of the day, but in that moment, when Amy read aloud the answer to her newfound Mad Eye Moody status, we both started to laugh. Because we never expected so much truth to come from a Google search. Those four phrases: fatigue, stress, lack of sleep, too much caffeine… those four phrases rocked our world. We have been pushing and pushing, and looking back, there’s nothing we regret. Because real life change has happened the last thirty days. We’ve had people come to us with their dreams, their insecurities, their fears, their hopes, and with tears in their eyes have opened their hearts to us. It’s been an absolute honor to receive them. We’ve captured memories for couples we love and spent precious time with people who fill us up, encourage us, pray with us and keep us going. There is nothing about the last thirty days we regret, but as we looked at our March calendar, filled with seven weddings in only four weekends and our screen blinking those four phrases at us, we finally decided it was time for a break.
So we ignored the to-do list. And. took. a. nap. We watched Downton Abbey in our sweatpants, ate popcorn in bed, discussed which shark we would make a deal with (Mark Cuban, obvs, although how sweet is Robert all. the. time?!) snuggled William Wallace and Mr. Carson and fell asleep whenever we wanted. It. was. glorious.
And you know what? By the end of the night, the twitching stopped.
That incessant twitching was literally cured by a day off.
So we hope this can be an encouragement to you. We are all living over-scheduled, insanely-busy lives, and it can be so easy to push and push and push until there is nothing left of you except a shell of a human and a scary resemblance to a Hogwarts professor. Carve out time to watch Shark Tank in your sweatpants. Give yourself permission to close your inbox for an entire day. Snuggle up with the people you love and take. a. nap. We promise, it’s so good for the soul.
Photo by Katelyn James