We love stories. Every couple has one. One of our favorite parts about being wedding photographers is meeting with newly engaged couples for the first time and hearing theirs. The newness of it. The freshness of it. The excitement of it. We can’t get enough of it! But, at the end, our couples always ask, “What about you?” So, we decided to share our story, too. From the high school bleachers to the end of the aisle, here’s our story from “I noticed you” to “I do.”
Part 1: Desperate Times, Desperate Measures
Part 2: You + Me = Us
Part 3: Friday Night Lights
Part 4: The Little Black Dress
Part 5: The First Kiss
Part 6: The First “I Love You”
Part 7: Senior Prom
Part 8: Graduation Night
Part 9: Saying Goodbye
Part 10: College Days
Part 11: She Said Yes!
Part 12: Our Wedding Day
The basketball gym was packed with 660 green graduation gowns, 660 hats, and 660 gold tassels just waiting to be pushed to the other side, as if to scream, I made it! The noise in the gym got louder and louder with anxious voices. The seniors were ready for their big moment. As the football bleachers filled to capacity and the Arizona sun sank behind the onlooking mountains, “The Graduation March” played its first notes, and the field was flooded with a sea of green-caped and green-capped adventurers ready to take on the world.
And on that stage, in that moment, at that place in time, the overflow of his heart came out upon his tongue, he told everyone how much he loved her, and he’s never looked back:
And I hope you have been as lucky as I have to take away not only the memories of high school, but something even closer to your heart, something more personal that you will always have to keep, no matter how quickly other memories fade. For you it could be anything, but for me it is a special person who with her friendship has taken me from here to the clouds and with her love from the clouds to the stars, and even though we are all graduating tonight and will be leaving much behind, I know you will agree that the view is much better from up here anyway.
To keep reading, click here: Part 9: Saying Goodbye