You've gotta hear these stories. 

You've gotta hear these stories. 

REAL students share thier experience 

Real people. Real results.

don't take it from us

Before I stumbled upon Amy and Jordan's courses, I was working full time (sometimes 40+ hours a week) at a job where I was barely making 30k a y​ear. After my 3rd year into my GM position, I found myself physically, mentally, and emotionally drained. I even recall a few nights I'd cry in my car after a long day of work, asking myself, "Is this it?". I've loved photography since I was 12, but had never considered pursuing it. I used to think that I couldn't be someone who could turn their passion or hobby into something profitable. My husband and I at the time were just dating, but I knew that I wanted a family. I wanted to be a mom one day who could be there for her family and children full time, something that I didn't really have as a child growing up. I want to be able to make it to their practices, and drop them off on their first day of school, but I knew that with my current job, that would have been near impossible. I was at a point in my life where I grew tired of investing my time and energy helping others build their dreams, while putting mine aside. ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING has changed since enrolling in the Business Course. I was taking photos for a local theater company for close to nothing at the time, when AJ's courses came up one day as I was scrolling through social media. I kept seeing Amy's face on my feed wondering "Who is this person, and why does she seem so happy all the time?!" I've always been told that the best investment you can make is in yourself, and eventually I invested in my very first educational course through them. I didn't tell my husband then that I had spent the money on it, so I used to watch the course at night when he'd fall asleep! For the first time in a long time, I felt hopeful, and excited about SOMETHING.
Just a few years ago, I was working 6-7 days a week at job that left me drained, still living paycheck to paycheck. My husband and I worked opposite schedules, so the only times we'd get to see each other was right before bedtime and maybe the weekends for a few hours. Since I had made the decision to invest in myself (FINALLY)... I was able to leave my full-time job... I felt alive again. I feel like I'm finally living my purpose! I can't believe I DID IT! I even get to TRAVEL doing what I love!!!

I'm forever grateful that my path led me to AJ, because they truly helped me change my life. I never thought that I could ever call myself a full-time professional photographer. It just seemed like a pipe dream! When I made the decision to pick up a camera to try and make something of it, I could barely get family and friends to let me take their photos. Now, we already have 25+ weddings booked for the next year alone, with numerous projects in between, and we're technically only coming into year 3 of being in business! AND I've almost tripled my income!

But most of all, My husband and I get to work alongside together in the business (yes I roped him in and he's great at it! Especially on wedding days!). It's an absolute blessing to be able to do this job with my significant other by my side. I still pinch myself every morning that I get to call photography my job!

 I have literally everything AJ has ever put out, but the business course was the ultimate icing on the cake! They created a blueprint to help me succeed in my business, while also remembering to love and serve my clients first at the end of the day. My friends and family who only ever saw me as a girl with a camera, now see me as a professional and respect that photography is my job! Before the business course, I had no weddings booked, only had one paid session in a span of six months, much less had a functioning and professional looking website! I still cringe when I think about what it looked like when I first started! Eeek!
There's no one size, over-night, fits all miracle course, but the AJ Business Course has helped and guided me into turning my passion into such a profitable business, as well as a few other AJ students I know and have become friends with. I adopted their mentality of 'community over competition' and it's led me to connect with some amazing people within the industry who to this day, still refer others to me! I'm forever grateful for Amy and Jordan willingly sharing their gifts as educators and photographers, because it's truly changed my life and gave me so much hope that I can be my own boss, while also being able to be there full time for my family I hope to have one day! 🙂 If you're considering enrolling, TAKE THE LEAP. Just do it! Invest in yourself and your future. I'm so happy I listened to my gut when I first got one of AJ's courses. Their method of teaching is absolutely amazing and one of a kind! The business course has helped to set me, my life, and my business up for success!

work, asking myself, "Is this it?". I've loved photography since I was 12, but had never considered pursuing it. I used to think that I couldn't be someone who could turn their passion or hobby into something profitable. My husband and I at the time were just dating, but I knew that I wanted a family. I wanted to be a mom one day who could be there for her family and children full time, something that I didn't really have as a child growing up. I want to be able to make it to their practices, and drop them off on their first day of school, but I knew that with my current job, that would have been near impossible. I was at a point in my life where I grew tired of investing my time and energy helping others build their dreams, while putting mine aside. ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING has changed since enrolling in the Business Course. I was taking photos for a local theater company for close to nothing at the time, when AJ's courses came up one day as I was scrolling through social media. I kept seeing Amy's face on my feed wondering "Who is this person, and why does she seem so happy all the time?!" I've always been told that the best investment you can make is in yourself, and eventually I invested in my very first educational course through them. I didn't tell my husband then that I had spent the money on it, so I used to watch the course at night when he'd fall asleep! For the first time in a long time, I felt hopeful, and excited about SOMETHING.
Just a few years ago, I was working 6-7 days a week at job that left me drained, still living paycheck to paycheck. My husband and I worked opposite schedules, so the only times we'd get to see each other was right before bedtime and maybe the weekends for a few hours. Since I had made the decision to invest in myself (FINALLY)... I was able to leave my full-time job... I felt alive again. I feel like I'm finally living my purpose! I can't believe I DID IT! I even get to TRAVEL doing what I love!!!

I'm forever grateful that my path led me to AJ, because they truly helped me change my life. I never thought that I could ever call myself a full-time professional photographer. It just seemed like a pipe dream! When I made the decision to pick up a camera to try and make something of it, I could barely get family and friends to let me take their photos. Now, we already have 25+ weddings booked for the next year alone, with numerous projects in between, and we're technically only coming into year 3 of being in business! AND I've almost tripled my income!

But most of all, My husband and I get to work alongside together in the business (yes I roped him in and he's great at it! Especially on wedding days!). It's an absolute blessing to be able to do this job with my significant other by my side. I still pinch myself every morning that I get to call photography my job!

 I have literally everything AJ has ever put out, but the business course was the ultimate icing on the cake! They created a blueprint to help me succeed in my business, while also remembering to love and serve my clients first at the end of the day. My friends and family who only ever saw me as a girl with a camera, now see me as a professional and respect that photography is my job! Before the business course, I had no weddings booked, only had one paid session in a span of six months, much less had a functioning and professional looking website! I still cringe when I think about what it looked like when I first started! Eeek!
There's no one size, over-night, fits all miracle course, but the AJ Business Course has helped and guided me into turning my passion into such a profitable business, as well as a few other AJ students I know and have become friends with. I adopted their mentality of 'community over competition' and it's led me to connect with some amazing people within the industry who to this day, still refer others to me! I'm forever grateful for Amy and Jordan willingly sharing their gifts as educators and photographers, because it's truly changed my life and gave me so much hope that I can be my own boss, while also being able to be there full time for my family I hope to have one day! 🙂 If you're considering enrolling, TAKE THE LEAP. Just do it! Invest in yourself and your future. I'm so happy I listened to my gut when I first got one of AJ's courses. Their method of teaching is absolutely amazing and one of a kind! The business course has helped to set me, my life, and my business up for success!

Before I stumbled upon Amy and Jordan's courses, I was working full time (sometimes 40+ hours a week) at a job where I was barely making 30k a y​ear. After my 3rd year into my GM position, I found myself physically, mentally, and emotionally drained. I even recall a few nights I'd cry in my car after a long day of

“I was able to leave my full-time job... I felt alive again. I feel like I'm finally living my purpose! I can't believe I DID IT!”

Went full time and tripled her income



Before I stumbled upon Amy and Jordan's courses, I was working full time (sometimes 40+ hours a week) at a job where I was barely making 30k a y​ear. After my 3rd year into my GM position, I found myself physically, mentally, and emotionally drained. I even recall a few nights I'd cry in my car after a long day of work, asking myself, "Is this it?". I've loved photography since I was 12, but had never considered pursuing it. I used to think that I couldn't be someone who could turn their passion or hobby into something profitable. My husband and I at the time were just dating, but I knew that I wanted a family. I wanted to be a mom one day who could be there for her family and children full time, something that I didn't really have as a child growing up. I want to be able to make it to their practices, and drop them off on their first day of school, but I knew that with my current job, that would have been near impossible. I was at a point in my life where I grew tired of investing my time and energy helping others build their dreams, while putting mine aside. ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING has changed since enrolling in the Business Course. I was taking photos for a local theater company for close to nothing at the time, when AJ's courses came up one day as I was scrolling through social media. I kept seeing Amy's face on my feed wondering "Who is this person, and why does she seem so happy all the time?!" I've always been told that the best investment you can make is in yourself, and eventually I invested in my very first educational course through them. I didn't tell my husband then that I had spent the money on it, so I used to watch the course at night when he'd fall asleep! For the first time in a long time, I felt hopeful, and excited about SOMETHING.
Just a few years ago, I was working 6-7 days a week at job that left me drained, still living paycheck to paycheck. My husband and I worked opposite schedules, so the only times we'd get to see each other was right before bedtime and maybe the weekends for a few hours. Since I had made the decision to invest in myself (FINALLY)... I was able to leave my full-time job... I felt alive again. I feel like I'm finally living my purpose! I can't believe I DID IT! I even get to TRAVEL doing what I love!!!

I'm forever grateful that my path led me to AJ, because they truly helped me change my life. I never thought that I could ever call myself a full-time professional photographer. It just seemed like a pipe dream! When I made the decision to pick up a camera to try and make something of it, I could barely get family and friends to let me take their photos. Now, we already have 25+ weddings booked for the next year alone, with numerous projects in between, and we're technically only coming into year 3 of being in business! AND I've almost tripled my income!

But most of all, My husband and I get to work alongside together in the business (yes I roped him in and he's great at it! Especially on wedding days!). It's an absolute blessing to be able to do this job with my significant other by my side. I still pinch myself every morning that I get to call photography my job!

 I have literally everything AJ has ever put out, but the business course was the ultimate icing on the cake! They created a blueprint to help me succeed in my business, while also remembering to love and serve my clients first at the end of the day. My friends and family who only ever saw me as a girl with a camera, now see me as a professional and respect that photography is my job! Before the business course, I had no weddings booked, only had one paid session in a span of six months, much less had a functioning and professional looking website! I still cringe when I think about what it looked like when I first started! Eeek!
There's no one size, over-night, fits all miracle course, but the AJ Business Course has helped and guided me into turning my passion into such a profitable business, as well as a few other AJ students I know and have become friends with. I adopted their mentality of 'community over competition' and it's led me to connect with some amazing people within the industry who to this day, still refer others to me! I'm forever grateful for Amy and Jordan willingly sharing their gifts as educators and photographers, because it's truly changed my life and gave me so much hope that I can be my own boss, while also being able to be there full time for my family I hope to have one day! 🙂 If you're considering enrolling, TAKE THE LEAP. Just do it! Invest in yourself and your future. I'm so happy I listened to my gut when I first got one of AJ's courses. Their method of teaching is absolutely amazing and one of a kind! The business course has helped to set me, my life, and my business up for success!

“I was able to leave my full-time job... I felt alive again. I feel like I'm finally living my purpose! I can't believe I DID IT!”

Went full time and tripled her income


Life before the course honestly felt a little uncertain. I (Sean) was working long hours at a sales job while Kat stayed home caring for our kiddos. We were barely making ends meet and craved something more. We were yearning for financial freedom and stability through doing something we absolutely loved. We had one

Doubled their prices & bookings

“Even typing this I’m getting chills because of how much has changed for us and our business.”

Ready to enroll!

Sean & Kat 




wedding under our belt, and had booked a handful more. We were certain at that point that this was what we’ve been praying for and the means by which the Lord would provide freedom and stability. However, we were still uncertain; uncertain about our talents, our ability to reach more clients, and overall how to even run a business—especially a business that deals so intimately with people. We desired to have a photography business, but we were so uncertain of how to do it and do it well. Since investing in the business course, it has been a complete 180. Even typing this I’m getting chills because of how much has changed for us and our business. Crazy enough, all of this change took place during a pandemic (which just added to our feelings of uncertainty 😂) Ironically though, this is when we experienced the most growth. We completely rebranded and got our website up, we stepped WAY out of our comfort zone and published our first blog, we changed dramatically how we responded, met, and charged our clients. All the ways we grew over the past year were all things we were either uncertain about or tremendously intimidated by. I think we were most intimidated because we lacked confidence on how to reach people and once they enquired, we lacked even more confidence on how to serve them. As a result, we took little joy in responding to emails, and we never even set up client meetings because, well, we were terrified (haha).

Now, because of what we’ve learned from this course, the greatest change has been where we’ve fixed our eyes. We’ve shifted our view to what truly makes this business grow, and that’s just loving people and loving them well. This course has given us great confidence in running our business and has given us a vision for it. Honestly, everything 🤣 Everything in this course gave us a “mind blown” moment. We couldn’t wait to implement everything we learned. But if we had to pick a couple things, it would definitely be pricing and client meetings. It feels unfair to all the other topics you guys covered so well, but we’ll settle for these two because it was something we had the ability to change immediately. If someone's considering investing in the course—just do it (sorry Nike). Seriously, do it!

I specifically remember going back and forth over whether or not we should make such a huge investment. I had many doubts, many fears, many questions of “do I actually need this?” or “will this actually help our business?” If it weren’t for my wife, I’d still be going back and forth with doubts. We can say with full confidence that this course has radically changed us and our business. This course is for you! And as long as you implement everything Amy and Jordan have put in this course, I’m confident it will do the same for you and your business. 

Life before the course honestly felt a little uncertain. I (Sean) was working long hours at a sales job while Kat stayed home caring for our kiddos. We were barely making ends meet and craved something more. We were yearning for financial freedom and stability through doing something we absolutely loved. We had one wedding under our belt, and had booked a handful more. We were certain at that point that this was what we’ve been praying for and the means by which the Lord would provide freedom and stability. However, we were still uncertain; uncertain about our talents, our ability to reach more clients, and overall how to even run a business—especially a business that deals so intimately with people. We desired to have a photography business, but we were so uncertain of how to do it and do it well. Since investing in the business course, it has been a complete 180. Even typing this I’m getting chills because of how much has changed for us and our business. Crazy enough, all of this change took place during a pandemic (which just added to our feelings of uncertainty 😂) Ironically though, this is when we experienced the most growth. We completely rebranded and got our website up, we stepped WAY out of our comfort zone and published our first blog, we changed dramatically how we responded, met, and charged our clients. All the ways we grew over the past year were all things we were either uncertain about or tremendously intimidated by. I think we were most intimidated because we lacked confidence on how to reach people and once they enquired, we lacked even more confidence on how to serve them. As a result, we took little joy in responding to emails, and we never even set up client meetings because, well, we were terrified (haha).

Now, because of what we’ve learned from this course, the greatest change has been where we’ve fixed our eyes. We’ve shifted our view to what truly makes this business grow, and that’s just loving people and loving them well. This course has given us great confidence in running our business and has given us a vision for it. Honestly, everything 🤣 Everything in this course gave us a “mind blown” moment. We couldn’t wait to implement everything we learned. But if we had to pick a couple things, it would definitely be pricing and client meetings. It feels unfair to all the other topics you guys covered so well, but we’ll settle for these two because it was something we had the ability to change immediately. If someone's considering investing in the course—just do it (sorry Nike). Seriously, do it!

I specifically remember going back and forth over whether or not we should make such a huge investment. I had many doubts, many fears, many questions of “do I actually need this?” or “will this actually help our business?” If it weren’t for my wife, I’d still be going back and forth with doubts. We can say with full confidence that this course has radically changed us and our business. This course is for you! And as long as you implement everything Amy and Jordan have put in this course, I’m confident it will do the same for you and your business. 

“Even typing this I’m getting chills because of how much has changed for us and our business.”


Sean & Kat 

Increased her pricing 5x, went from 0 to 30+ weddings AND doubled her teaching salary!  

“Amy & Jordan walk you through strategically using simple and easy marketing strategies like blogging that have been really helpful getting my business from having 0 Weddings in 2019 to 30+ Weddings in 2021.”

Ready to enroll!





Before taking the business course I was desperate to book ANYTHING. I only had a handful of paying clients and I was only charging $150 for a 2 hour session and 50 photos (opps!! lol). I really wanted to photograph weddings, but most people ghosted me after reaching out. When I finally booked my first wedding, it was 14 hours away (I drove to save money) and only charged $600. Since taking the course, I built a website, enhanced my client experience, and learned how to serve others through my business. Now, I'm charging $3000+ for weddings and I'm fully booked for this year (with over 30 weddings!!!). Plus the clients I'm working with are awesome and they vibe with me--I don't have to pretend to be someone else during consultations / sessions and I love it.

I've been able to expand my business by hiring an associate for several weddings and I've also created an internship program! I'm a high school teacher and I'll make double my teaching salary this year. Not matching my salary--but DOUBLING it with just my business. From this extra money, I was able to help my husband (also a teacher) and I buy our first house. I would say website design, BLOGGING (OMG, so simple but works like magic. I just published a blog a few weeks ago and booked 3 weddings from it 🎉 ), and client experience for sure were what helped me the most!!!!!!

I've worked with several photographers, some who might be technically better photographers than me, but I know that I provide an amazing experience for my clients -- and this course set the foundation for that. Thank you!!! Go for it. Amy and Jordan really break down how to book clients, and not just any clients--clients that YOU LOVE. They walk you through strategically using simple and easy marketing strategies like blogging that have been really helpful getting my business from having 0 Weddings in 2019 to 30+ Weddings in 2021. Their course isn't MAGIC, but they really do know what they are talking about. If it worked for me--I don't see why it wouldn't for you too! 

Before taking the business course I was desperate to book ANYTHING. I only had a handful of paying clients and I was only charging $150 for a 2 hour session and 50 photos (opps!! lol). I really wanted to photograph weddings, but most people ghosted me after reaching out. When I finally booked my first wedding, it was 14 hours away (I drove to save money) and only charged $600. Since taking the course, I built a website, enhanced my client experience, and learned how to serve others through my business. Now, I'm charging $3000+ for weddings and I'm fully booked for this year (with over 30 weddings!!!). Plus the clients I'm working with are awesome and they vibe with me--I don't have to pretend to be someone else during consultations / sessions and I love it.

I've been able to expand my business by hiring an associate for several weddings and I've also created an internship program! I'm a high school teacher and I'll make double my teaching salary this year. Not matching my salary--but DOUBLING it with just my business. From this extra money, I was able to help my husband (also a teacher) and I buy our first house. I would say website design, BLOGGING (OMG, so simple but works like magic. I just published a blog a few weeks ago and booked 3 weddings from it 🎉 ), and client experience for sure were what helped me the most!!!!!!

I've worked with several photographers, some who might be technically better photographers than me, but I know that I provide an amazing experience for my clients -- and this course set the foundation for that. Thank you!!! Go for it. Amy and Jordan really break down how to book clients, and not just any clients--clients that YOU LOVE. They walk you through strategically using simple and easy marketing strategies like blogging that have been really helpful getting my business from having 0 Weddings in 2019 to 30+ Weddings in 2021. Their course isn't MAGIC, but they really do know what they are talking about. If it worked for me--I don't see why it wouldn't for you too! 

“Amy & Jordan walk you through strategically using simple and easy marketing strategies like blogging that have been really helpful getting my business from having 0 Weddings in 2019 to 30+ Weddings in 2021.”



Before taking the course, I was so incredibly overwhelmed. There is SO much that goes into having a successful, legal, profitable business, and I didn't have the first clue where to start. Also, I was struggling with self doubt since the area I live in

Is completely debt free (including her mortgage!) and is saving for the future! 

“I specialize in family and children's photography, and I saw a 300% growth in my business after completing and implementing the AJ Business Course!”

Ready to enroll!





has such a saturated photography market. The idea of finding, connecting with, and growing a client base with such enormous talent as my competition, had me super nervous. My solution was to charge rock bottom prices even though I knew my work warranted more. I was stressed out because I was working so hard to be better and I felt like no one was noticing or appreciating my efforts. I was reaching burn out trying to do what everyone else in the area was doing instead of sharing my own voice and style. The business course changed EVERYTHING! I found myself really relating to how Amy and Jordan shared their experiences as teachers wanting to be photographers, the hard work...the grind...and the burn out.

The course gave me the actual, tangible steps that I needed to cultivate every aspect of my business into an experience that I was proud to offer my ideal client. I stopped worrying about what other photogs in the area were doing, because I wanted to attract people that wanted to work with ME! Each module gave me the information and motivation to tackle and personalize the different areas of my business so that it would highlight my voice, product and experience. I began to convey value, trust, confidence, and expertise instead of insecurity in my work. And you know what?? My ideal clients starting reaching out and booking me! They were telling their friends and then they were booking me! I was consistently serving the people that wanted the Alicia Wilson Photography experience.

In fact, this year I raised my prices dramatically, and have been booked solid for the remainder of the year since JULY...what?!?! Now, my mini sessions (which I almost stopped doing altogether since I never had any interest before) sell out to my email subscribers months in advance in about 30 minutes! I am SO proud of the growth of my business, but even more proud of the fact that it is a legal business that honestly serves others and allows me to operate within my gifts and help my family financially.

On a personal note, the success of my business has allowed me to contribute to our family income. This year, my husband and I paid off our mortgage and are completely DEBT FREE! Also, I was able to buy a new car through my business. Both of my amazing children have severe autism and will most likely require some sort of therapy or assistance for their entire lives. My photography business has allowed me to help pay for therapies that our insurance does not cover, and we are able to put money back for savings and retirement so that our children will always be cared for. God has blessed us beyond anything I could have imagined! For me, I think the most important thing was having access to all of the modules and being given step by step courses of action to take. Amy and Jordan literally break down everything that you need to get your business set up and speaking to the sort of clients that you want to serve. The Facebook group is awesome and so supportive!

This course is not just for wedding photographers or light and airy styles! I don't even shoot weddings! I specialize in family and children's photography, and I saw a 300% growth in my business after completing and implementing the AJ Business Course! I cannot explain how valuable this course is for photographers! The original course alone is fantastic, and Amy and Jordan are continually adding new things to the student portal to help us out! They truly do have the heart of a teacher and want you to succeed. Believe me, if you do the work that they tell you, you WILL see a massive difference in your business. If I can do it, you can too! Go for it!! 

Before taking the course, I was so incredibly overwhelmed. There is SO much that goes into having a successful, legal, profitable business, and I didn't have the first clue where to start. Also, I was struggling with self doubt since the area I live in has such a saturated photography market. The idea of finding, connecting with, and growing a client base with such enormous talent as my competition, had me super nervous. My solution was to charge rock bottom prices even though I knew my work warranted more. I was stressed out because I was working so hard to be better and I felt like no one was noticing or appreciating my efforts. I was reaching burn out trying to do what everyone else in the area was doing instead of sharing my own voice and style. The business course changed EVERYTHING! I found myself really relating to how Amy and Jordan shared their experiences as teachers wanting to be photographers, the hard work...the grind...and the burn out.

The course gave me the actual, tangible steps that I needed to cultivate every aspect of my business into an experience that I was proud to offer my ideal client. I stopped worrying about what other photogs in the area were doing, because I wanted to attract people that wanted to work with ME! Each module gave me the information and motivation to tackle and personalize the different areas of my business so that it would highlight my voice, product and experience. I began to convey value, trust, confidence, and expertise instead of insecurity in my work. And you know what?? My ideal clients starting reaching out and booking me! They were telling their friends and then they were booking me! I was consistently serving the people that wanted the Alicia Wilson Photography experience.

In fact, this year I raised my prices dramatically, and have been booked solid for the remainder of the year since JULY...what?!?! Now, my mini sessions (which I almost stopped doing altogether since I never had any interest before) sell out to my email subscribers months in advance in about 30 minutes! I am SO proud of the growth of my business, but even more proud of the fact that it is a legal business that honestly serves others and allows me to operate within my gifts and help my family financially.

On a personal note, the success of my business has allowed me to contribute to our family income. This year, my husband and I paid off our mortgage and are completely DEBT FREE! Also, I was able to buy a new car through my business. Both of my amazing children have severe autism and will most likely require some sort of therapy or assistance for their entire lives. My photography business has allowed me to help pay for therapies that our insurance does not cover, and we are able to put money back for savings and retirement so that our children will always be cared for. God has blessed us beyond anything I could have imagined! For me, I think the most important thing was having access to all of the modules and being given step by step courses of action to take. Amy and Jordan literally break down everything that you need to get your business set up and speaking to the sort of clients that you want to serve. The Facebook group is awesome and so supportive!

This course is not just for wedding photographers or light and airy styles! I don't even shoot weddings! I specialize in family and children's photography, and I saw a 300% growth in my business after completing and implementing the AJ Business Course! I cannot explain how valuable this course is for photographers! The original course alone is fantastic, and Amy and Jordan are continually adding new things to the student portal to help us out! They truly do have the heart of a teacher and want you to succeed. Believe me, if you do the work that they tell you, you WILL see a massive difference in your business. If I can do it, you can too! Go for it!! 

work, asking myself, "Is this it?". I've loved photography since I was 12, but had never considered pursuing it. I used to think that I couldn't be someone who could turn their passion or hobby into something profitable. My husband and I at the time were just dating, but I knew that I wanted a family. I wanted to be a mom one day who could be there for her family and children full time, something that I didn't really have as a child growing up. I want to be able to make it to their practices, and drop them off on their first day of school, but I knew that with my current job, that would have been near impossible. I was at a point in my life where I grew tired of investing my time and energy helping others build their dreams, while putting mine aside. ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING has changed since enrolling in the Business Course. I was taking photos for a local theater company for close to nothing at the time, when AJ's courses came up one day as I was scrolling through social media. I kept seeing Amy's face on my feed wondering "Who is this person, and why does she seem so happy all the time?!" I've always been told that the best investment you can make is in yourself, and eventually I invested in my very first educational course through them. I didn't tell my husband then that I had spent the money on it, so I used to watch the course at night when he'd fall asleep! For the first time in a long time, I felt hopeful, and excited about SOMETHING.
Just a few years ago, I was working 6-7 days a week at job that left me drained, still living paycheck to paycheck. My husband and I worked opposite schedules, so the only times we'd get to see each other was right before bedtime and maybe the weekends for a few hours. Since I had made the decision to invest in myself (FINALLY)... I was able to leave my full-time job... I felt alive again. I feel like I'm finally living my purpose! I can't believe I DID IT! I even get to TRAVEL doing what I love!!!

I'm forever grateful that my path led me to AJ, because they truly helped me change my life. I never thought that I could ever call myself a full-time professional photographer. It just seemed like a pipe dream! When I made the decision to pick up a camera to try and make something of it, I could barely get family and friends to let me take their photos. Now, we already have 25+ weddings booked for the next year alone, with numerous projects in between, and we're technically only coming into year 3 of being in business! AND I've almost tripled my income!

But most of all, My husband and I get to work alongside together in the business (yes I roped him in and he's great at it! Especially on wedding days!). It's an absolute blessing to be able to do this job with my significant other by my side. I still pinch myself every morning that I get to call photography my job!

 I have literally everything AJ has ever put out, but the business course was the ultimate icing on the cake! They created a blueprint to help me succeed in my business, while also remembering to love and serve my clients first at the end of the day. My friends and family who only ever saw me as a girl with a camera, now see me as a professional and respect that photography is my job! Before the business course, I had no weddings booked, only had one paid session in a span of six months, much less had a functioning and professional looking website! I still cringe when I think about what it looked like when I first started! Eeek!
There's no one size, over-night, fits all miracle course, but the AJ Business Course has helped and guided me into turning my passion into such a profitable business, as well as a few other AJ students I know and have become friends with. I adopted their mentality of 'community over competition' and it's led me to connect with some amazing people within the industry who to this day, still refer others to me! I'm forever grateful for Amy and Jordan willingly sharing their gifts as educators and photographers, because it's truly changed my life and gave me so much hope that I can be my own boss, while also being able to be there full time for my family I hope to have one day! 🙂 If you're considering enrolling, TAKE THE LEAP. Just do it! Invest in yourself and your future. I'm so happy I listened to my gut when I first got one of AJ's courses. Their method of teaching is absolutely amazing and one of a kind! The business course has helped to set me, my life, and my business up for success!

Before I stumbled upon Amy and Jordan's courses, I was working full time (sometimes 40+ hours a week) at a job where I was barely making 30k a y​ear. After my 3rd year into my GM position, I found myself physically, mentally, and emotionally drained. I even recall a few nights I'd cry in my car after a long day of

“I specialize in family and children's photography, and I saw a 300% growth in my business after completing and implementing the AJ Business Course!”



Before I enrolled in the AJ Business Course I was doing photography for about 6-8 months and it was more like a hobby. It was a hobby that I was looking to turn into a business, I just had no idea how. I had no idea how to set up my pricing, what kind of photography I wanted to do, how to show up as a business owner, as

Turned her hobby into a full-time business!

“Before, I was learning on my own and piece by piece putting it together and it was painful. These guys have a system set up in place that you just plug and play. You don’t have to wonder!”

Ready to enroll!





a photographer, as an expert in my field, in social media, or how to build a website. I didn’t even have a website yet! And I didn’t know where to start. I started researching because I really wanted to make photography my full time gig. I started researching ways to do that and I bumped into Amy and Jordan, who have this incredible course where they help you set up a photography business! Who would’ve thought! I’m so glad I found it because it changed my career completely! The confidence I developed after doing that course has changed my business completely. I turned it into a full time gig. It supports me and my family now. I am able to travel the world the way I want to and actually do photos wherever I go. I actually work with clients all around the world and it’s been amazing. And it’s happened because I have a system now that supports me with that. Setting up my website, setting up my pricing, setting up my blog, how I show up on social media, how I network with people, how I connect, creating a word of mouth system where people find out about me through my clients. All those things! I have a whole step by step system thanks to this course! And I couldn’t have done it without Amy and Jordan. I’m so glad I invested in myself, trusted myself, I took a leap! And I trusted Amy and Jordan to teach me the way, to show me the way, and they did. And I’m so, so grateful. If you are on the fence about investing in yourself, don’t be! Take a leap of faith. You get to trust yourself, invest in yourself, invest in your business! Treat it like a business. Before, I was learning on my own and piece by piece putting it together and it was painful. These guys have a system set up in place that you just plug and play. You don’t have to wonder! It’s all in one place! It’s the best! And you can binge all the videos! And just apply it at your own pace and decide how you want to run your business. I am so grateful that I know now how to run my business, that I’m able to work with so many incredible people because I decided to focus and take a leap for myself. If you’re on the fence, go for it! Trust that this is something that’s going to support your business big time! I went from working with 0-1 clients, charging $0-100, sometimes I would work for free, because I was trying to get my name out there. Now I work with 4-6 clients per month, and charge from $1500-$5000 depending on what is needed by my clients. I've been able to live the life of my dreams thanks to the leap that I took.

Before I enrolled in the AJ Business Course I was doing photography for about 6-8 months and it was more like a hobby. It was a hobby that I was looking to turn into a business, I just had no idea how. I had no idea how to set up my pricing, what kind of photography I wanted to do, how to show up as a business owner, as a photographer, as an expert in my field, in social media, or how to build a website. I didn’t even have a website yet! And I didn’t know where to start. I started researching because I really wanted to make photography my full time gig. I started researching ways to do that and I bumped into Amy and Jordan, who have this incredible course where they help you set up a photography business! Who would’ve thought! I’m so glad I found it because it changed my career completely! The confidence I developed after doing that course has changed my business completely. I turned it into a full time gig. It supports me and my family now. I am able to travel the world the way I want to and actually do photos wherever I go. I actually work with clients all around the world and it’s been amazing. And it’s happened because I have a system now that supports me with that. Setting up my website, setting up my pricing, setting up my blog, how I show up on social media, how I network with people, how I connect, creating a word of mouth system where people find out about me through my clients. All those things! I have a whole step by step system thanks to this course! And I couldn’t have done it without Amy and Jordan. I’m so glad I invested in myself, trusted myself, I took a leap! And I trusted Amy and Jordan to teach me the way, to show me the way, and they did. And I’m so, so grateful. If you are on the fence about investing in yourself, don’t be! Take a leap of faith. You get to trust yourself, invest in yourself, invest in your business! Treat it like a business. Before, I was learning on my own and piece by piece putting it together and it was painful. These guys have a system set up in place that you just plug and play. You don’t have to wonder! It’s all in one place! It’s the best! And you can binge all the videos! And just apply it at your own pace and decide how you want to run your business. I am so grateful that I know now how to run my business, that I’m able to work with so many incredible people because I decided to focus and take a leap for myself. If you’re on the fence, go for it! Trust that this is something that’s going to support your business big time! I went from working with 0-1 clients, charging $0-100, sometimes I would work for free, because I was trying to get my name out there. Now I work with 4-6 clients per month, and charge from $1500-$5000 depending on what is needed by my clients. I've been able to live the life of my dreams thanks to the leap that I took.

work, asking myself, "Is this it?". I've loved photography since I was 12, but had never considered pursuing it. I used to think that I couldn't be someone who could turn their passion or hobby into something profitable. My husband and I at the time were just dating, but I knew that I wanted a family. I wanted to be a mom one day who could be there for her family and children full time, something that I didn't really have as a child growing up. I want to be able to make it to their practices, and drop them off on their first day of school, but I knew that with my current job, that would have been near impossible. I was at a point in my life where I grew tired of investing my time and energy helping others build their dreams, while putting mine aside. ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING has changed since enrolling in the Business Course. I was taking photos for a local theater company for close to nothing at the time, when AJ's courses came up one day as I was scrolling through social media. I kept seeing Amy's face on my feed wondering "Who is this person, and why does she seem so happy all the time?!" I've always been told that the best investment you can make is in yourself, and eventually I invested in my very first educational course through them. I didn't tell my husband then that I had spent the money on it, so I used to watch the course at night when he'd fall asleep! For the first time in a long time, I felt hopeful, and excited about SOMETHING.
Just a few years ago, I was working 6-7 days a week at job that left me drained, still living paycheck to paycheck. My husband and I worked opposite schedules, so the only times we'd get to see each other was right before bedtime and maybe the weekends for a few hours. Since I had made the decision to invest in myself (FINALLY)... I was able to leave my full-time job... I felt alive again. I feel like I'm finally living my purpose! I can't believe I DID IT! I even get to TRAVEL doing what I love!!!

I'm forever grateful that my path led me to AJ, because they truly helped me change my life. I never thought that I could ever call myself a full-time professional photographer. It just seemed like a pipe dream! When I made the decision to pick up a camera to try and make something of it, I could barely get family and friends to let me take their photos. Now, we already have 25+ weddings booked for the next year alone, with numerous projects in between, and we're technically only coming into year 3 of being in business! AND I've almost tripled my income!

But most of all, My husband and I get to work alongside together in the business (yes I roped him in and he's great at it! Especially on wedding days!). It's an absolute blessing to be able to do this job with my significant other by my side. I still pinch myself every morning that I get to call photography my job!

 I have literally everything AJ has ever put out, but the business course was the ultimate icing on the cake! They created a blueprint to help me succeed in my business, while also remembering to love and serve my clients first at the end of the day. My friends and family who only ever saw me as a girl with a camera, now see me as a professional and respect that photography is my job! Before the business course, I had no weddings booked, only had one paid session in a span of six months, much less had a functioning and professional looking website! I still cringe when I think about what it looked like when I first started! Eeek!
There's no one size, over-night, fits all miracle course, but the AJ Business Course has helped and guided me into turning my passion into such a profitable business, as well as a few other AJ students I know and have become friends with. I adopted their mentality of 'community over competition' and it's led me to connect with some amazing people within the industry who to this day, still refer others to me! I'm forever grateful for Amy and Jordan willingly sharing their gifts as educators and photographers, because it's truly changed my life and gave me so much hope that I can be my own boss, while also being able to be there full time for my family I hope to have one day! 🙂 If you're considering enrolling, TAKE THE LEAP. Just do it! Invest in yourself and your future. I'm so happy I listened to my gut when I first got one of AJ's courses. Their method of teaching is absolutely amazing and one of a kind! The business course has helped to set me, my life, and my business up for success!

Before I stumbled upon Amy and Jordan's courses, I was working full time (sometimes 40+ hours a week) at a job where I was barely making 30k a y​ear. After my 3rd year into my GM position, I found myself physically, mentally, and emotionally drained. I even recall a few nights I'd cry in my car after a long day of

“Before, I was learning on my own and piece by piece putting it together and it was painful. These guys have a system set up in place that you just plug and play. You don’t have to wonder!”

Turned her hobby into a full-time business!


I was teaching full time at an elementary school and pouring everything into my students. I would get to school early before any other faculty were on campus and end up staying after school as well because I didn’t feel like I was able to get everything done during the school day to successfully do my job well. 

Went from draining day job to fulfilled fulll-time photographer

“My overall quality of life is better because of the business course and for that, I am so grateful.”

Ready to enroll!





Growing up, I always found a way to stay active in sports and just being outside. Once I hit the ground running with teaching, I quickly found out my physical health wasn’t where I wanted it to be. I lost sight of the importance of exercising because I was so focused on pouring everything into my job. It wasn’t a balanced life at all. My mental health started going downhill as I felt defeated not being able to love and serve my students well. I am typically and happy, positive and full of life person and every day that passed was sucking every bit of joy out of me. I loved being around kids and questioned God so often why I was feeling the way I was feeling. Little did I know. After 4 years of teaching, moving states and living by the most beautiful beach on the emerald coast, I was able to go full time with Amy & Jordan's help! Also, with the help of my husband who is a financial planner and encouraged me through this life change, I have been full time for about 3 months and life is good!

Looking at my overall health, I am truly grateful. Mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically, life is better than ever. I get an incredible workout a few mornings of the week playing sand volleyball. I get to spend time with my husband who works from home as well— we get to eat lunch together instead of my typical teacher lunch (walking and eating to pick up my students somewhere). I feel like I am myself again — happy, joyful and the incredible part is I get to meet and interact with kids of all ages, taking pictures with their families while on vacation in 30A! I am truly blessed!

Business foundations was the scariest, but most helpful module for me. I never took a business course in college (hello Elem Ed degree 😂) so thinking about starting up a business without any business background was VERY intimidating! I knew the only way I felt I was going to learn best would be from the two teachers I had already created a trust and respect for— Amy & Jordan! Amy & Jordan simplify things in a way I can’t explain in words. It’s what keeps me investing in my craft (with your courses). I tell my husband anything Amy & Jordan push out is going to be worth the investment because of the way you teach. Having that teaching background has given them such a gift to help so many people in a way unlike any other courses I’ve taken (not many because I keep coming back to y’all 😀). They are transparent in every topic, add in personal stories to help relate and not only show us how to be better in our craft but how to live a better life. My overall quality of life is better because of the business course and for that, I am so grateful. You get so much more than just business changes. You get life changes, for the better! 

I was teaching full time at an elementary school and pouring everything into my students. I would get to school early before any other faculty were on campus and end up staying after school as well because I didn’t feel like I was able to get everything done during the school day to successfully do my job well. Growing up, I always found a way to stay active in sports and just being outside. Once I hit the ground running with teaching, I quickly found out my physical health wasn’t where I wanted it to be. I lost sight of the importance of exercising because I was so focused on pouring everything into my job. It wasn’t a balanced life at all. My mental health started going downhill as I felt defeated not being able to love and serve my students well. I am typically and happy, positive and full of life person and every day that passed was sucking every bit of joy out of me. I loved being around kids and questioned God so often why I was feeling the way I was feeling. Little did I know. After 4 years of teaching, moving states and living by the most beautiful beach on the emerald coast, I was able to go full time with Amy & Jordan's help! Also, with the help of my husband who is a financial planner and encouraged me through this life change, I have been full time for about 3 months and life is good!

Looking at my overall health, I am truly grateful. Mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically, life is better than ever. I get an incredible workout a few mornings of the week playing sand volleyball. I get to spend time with my husband who works from home as well— we get to eat lunch together instead of my typical teacher lunch (walking and eating to pick up my students somewhere). I feel like I am myself again — happy, joyful and the incredible part is I get to meet and interact with kids of all ages, taking pictures with their families while on vacation in 30A! I am truly blessed!

Business foundations was the scariest, but most helpful module for me. I never took a business course in college (hello Elem Ed degree 😂) so thinking about starting up a business without any business background was VERY intimidating! I knew the only way I felt I was going to learn best would be from the two teachers I had already created a trust and respect for— Amy & Jordan! Amy & Jordan simplify things in a way I can’t explain in words. It’s what keeps me investing in my craft (with your courses). I tell my husband anything Amy & Jordan push out is going to be worth the investment because of the way you teach. Having that teaching background has given them such a gift to help so many people in a way unlike any other courses I’ve taken (not many because I keep coming back to y’all 😀). They are transparent in every topic, add in personal stories to help relate and not only show us how to be better in our craft but how to live a better life. My overall quality of life is better because of the business course and for that, I am so grateful. You get so much more than just business changes. You get life changes, for the better! 

“My overall quality of life is better because of the business course and for that, I am so grateful.”



Before the Business Course, I had no idea how to properly run a photography business. I had no idea how much time, money, and effort I was wasting. I'm now confidently running a successful and legal photography business. I’ve gained so much time back that I can dedicate to taking on more sessions if I choose, or

Tripled her photography income 

“I’ve gained so much time back that I can dedicate to taking on more sessions if I choose, or spending more time doing the things I love.”

Ready to enroll!





spending more time doing the things I love. The AJ Business Course is the absolute best way to kick start your photography career, no matter what stage of business you’re currently in. Amy and Jordan have created a course that is bursting with information and you feel like it’s coming from a close friend. 

Before the Business Course, I had no idea how to properly run a photography business. I had no idea how much time, money, and effort I was wasting. I'm now confidently running a successful and legal photography business. I’ve gained so much time back that I can dedicate to taking on more sessions if I choose, or spending more time doing the things I love. The AJ Business Course is the absolute best way to kick start your photography career, no matter what stage of business you’re currently in. Amy and Jordan have created a course that is bursting with information and you feel like it’s coming from a close friend. 

“I’ve gained so much time back that I can dedicate to taking on more sessions if I choose, or spending more time doing the things I love.”

Tripled her photography income 


There are so many business courses out there that I am sure are great and resourceful. However, the difference is that Amy and Jordan created this business course that really dives into the lifestyle as a wedding or even portrait photographer, and provides real examples that you can relate to. If you take this course, not only will you learn about social media, but connection. How to really connect to vendors and venues, what stands you out in a crowd if you work in a saturated area,

Went from 0 to 25 weddings, increased her pricing 3x, AND moved her business across the country 

“It was the Business Course that helped me take off into a whole new level”

Ready to enroll!





saturated area, and even gives you advice on finances and how to get started. It covers the basics and will help anyone who has been in business for a year or two and is finally ready to make that next step! As a trifecta student, the PC and SEC has helped me in more ways than one. However, it was the Business Course that helped me take off into a whole new level. Being a military wife who moves around a lot is hard. But, taking this course has been one reason that has helped me move from Hawaii to Virginia, Virginia to California, and now to Japan as well as launching a new European Wedding Photo business happening Spring 2022. To this day, I still use these techniques I have learned from the BC in helping me move, connect with those in my new area, and allow blogging and social to get me seen. So, thank you for creating a course that can help those who are new and even those who have been in the game for quite some time! 

There are so many business courses out there that I am sure are great and resourceful. However, the difference is that Amy and Jordan created this business course that really dives into the lifestyle as a wedding or even portrait photographer, and provides real examples that you can relate to. If you take this course, not only will you learn about social media, but connection. How to really connect to vendors and venues, what stands you out in a crowd if you work in a saturated area, and even gives you advice on finances and how to get started. It covers the basics and will help anyone who has been in business for a year or two and is finally ready to make that next step! As a trifecta student, the PC and SEC has helped me in more ways than one. However, it was the Business Course that helped me take off into a whole new level. Being a military wife who moves around a lot is hard. But, taking this course has been one reason that has helped me move from Hawaii to Virginia, Virginia to California, and now to Japan as well as launching a new European Wedding Photo business happening Spring 2022. To this day, I still use these techniques I have learned from the BC in helping me move, connect with those in my new area, and allow blogging and social to get me seen. So, thank you for creating a course that can help those who are new and even those who have been in the game for quite some time! 

“It was the Business Course that helped me take off into a whole new level”

Went from 0 to 25 weddings, increased her pricing 3x, AND moved her business across the country 


It was really hard to find people to book, and even then, they were making me feel like I was too expensive and looking for a discount. After taking the Business Course, I book consistently, still working on getting even more, but have more than doubled what I made after the Business course. This year especially is skyrocketing what I made previously. I feel more respect from my clients and they're happy to pay what I ask and some even tip generously! Your courses are

Stay-at-home mom who more than doubled her income! 

“After taking the Business Course, I book consistently and have more than doubled what I made after the Business Course!”

Ready to enroll!





so helpful and changed my life. As a stay at home mom, I needed a creative outlet and a way to help bring in income for our family. It truly is a goal to be able to retire my husband from his job and be the main provider with my photography business. The direction that my business has taken after the business course I truly can see it as a possibility in the future as I continue to grow and get my name out there. There are still some things I need to do that I haven't that I know will help my business grow even more. I love that I can always go back and relearn things from the course and help better my understanding with them. It was such a blessing that I stumbled across your free course and the time and money that I've invested in them, and myself, have been 1000 percent worth it. Thank you so much!

It was really hard to find people to book, and even then, they were making me feel like I was too expensive and looking for a discount. After taking the Business Course, I book consistently, still working on getting even more, but have more than doubled what I made after the Business course. This year especially is skyrocketing what I made previously. I feel more respect from my clients and they're happy to pay what I ask and some even tip generously! Your courses are so helpful and changed my life. As a stay at home mom, I needed a creative outlet and a way to help bring in income for our family. It truly is a goal to be able to retire my husband from his job and be the main provider with my photography business. The direction that my business has taken after the business course I truly can see it as a possibility in the future as I continue to grow and get my name out there. There are still some things I need to do that I haven't that I know will help my business grow even more. I love that I can always go back and relearn things from the course and help better my understanding with them. It was such a blessing that I stumbled across your free course and the time and money that I've invested in them, and myself, have been 1000 percent worth it. Thank you so much!

“After taking the Business Course, I book consistently and have more than doubled what I made after the Business Course!”



Before the AJ Business Course I was overwhelmed when someone wanted to book me for a portrait session. I was terrified and feeling like I wasn’t capable of serving my clients. After the AJ Business Course I’ve been taking control of my business and personal life. I’ve learned how to efficiently run my business and create an experience my clients love. It’s so helpful to go back and watch individual modules depending on where I’m at in my business. The content

Started her business in high school! 

“Amy and Jordan have taught me how to value myself, my relationships, my business, and my fellow photographers”

Ready to enroll!





covered is too valuable not to rewatch and absorb information at different points in your business. If you're considering joining the Business Course, take the leap of faith! The investment is so worth it and repays itself! I’ve heard the success stories from fellow AJ student but I didn’t think I would experience the same. I did! I’m still making adjustments to my business each and every day but the Business Course gave me the confidence I needed to call myself a photographer. Amy and Jordan, you’ve changed my life. I’ll always be happy to invest and grow with you. It takes courage to open your play book and let all of us eager students into your systems. You’ve taught me how to value myself, my relationships, my business, and my fellow photographers! Thank you!💕

Before the AJ Business Course I was overwhelmed when someone wanted to book me for a portrait session. I was terrified and feeling like I wasn’t capable of serving my clients. After the AJ Business Course I’ve been taking control of my business and personal life. I’ve learned how to efficiently run my business and create an experience my clients love. It’s so helpful to go back and watch individual modules depending on where I’m at in my business. The content covered is too valuable not to rewatch and absorb information at different points in your business. If you're considering joining the Business Course, take the leap of faith! The investment is so worth it and repays itself! I’ve heard the success stories from fellow AJ student but I didn’t think I would experience the same. I did! I’m still making adjustments to my business each and every day but the Business Course gave me the confidence I needed to call myself a photographer. Amy and Jordan, you’ve changed my life. I’ll always be happy to invest and grow with you. It takes courage to open your play book and let all of us eager students into your systems. You’ve taught me how to value myself, my relationships, my business, and my fellow photographers! Thank you!💕

“Amy and Jordan have taught me how to value myself, my relationships, my business, and my fellow photographers”

Started her business in high school! 


I felt like I was floundering with no direction. I was a stay at home mom to 6 month old twins and babysitting on the weekends to make enough money for groceries, diapers, and formula. The business course has completely changed the dynamic of our family, and has given us financial freedom in addition to allowing me to continue to stay home with my now 3 year old boys. We just moved into our first home thanks to my photography income. :)

Went from $1,500 to $55,000 and bought her first family home! 

“The business Course has given us financial freedom to allow me to continue to stay home with my twin boys and purchase our first home”

Ready to enroll!





THANK YOU for teaching me a skill that I can always take with me now. You will absolutely regroup your day investment and can’t afford to NOT take it!

I felt like I was floundering with no direction. I was a stay at home mom to 6 month old twins and babysitting on the weekends to make enough money for groceries, diapers, and formula. The business course has completely changed the dynamic of our family, and has given us financial freedom in addition to allowing me to continue to stay home with my now 3 year old boys. We just moved into our first home thanks to my photography income. :) THANK YOU for teaching me a skill that I can always take with me now. You will absolutely regroup your day investment and can’t afford to NOT take it!

“The business Course has given us financial freedom to allow me to continue to stay home with my twin boys and purchase our first home”

Went from $1,500 to $55,000 and bought her first family home! 


Before the Business Course, I felt nervous, and unsure if I could make this a real business. I wasn’t confident if I could ever truly make money doing this, even though I felt inspired and called to serve people through photography. Now, I feel like I can confidently say to people “I am a photographer”. This was a huge turning

Increased her wedding pricing 5x AND booked 6x the number of portrait sessions 

“The Business Course took me step by step through actionable ways I can start growing my business”

Ready to enroll!





point in my business and I thank you so much for all of the wisdom and guidance you gave me to get my business growing. The Business Course took me step by step through actionable ways I can start growing my business. You have changed my life, I truly appreciate everything you have done to help me start living my dream not only as a photographer, but to spend less time working as a nurse at the hospital so that I can spend more time with my babies and my husband. These babies grow way too fast. Thank you for all that you do!

Before the Business Course, I felt nervous, and unsure if I could make this a real business. I wasn’t confident if I could ever truly make money doing this, even though I felt inspired and called to serve people through photography. Now, I feel like I can confidently say to people “I am a photographer”. This was a huge turning point in my business and I thank you so much for all of the wisdom and guidance you gave me to get my business growing. The Business Course took me step by step through actionable ways I can start growing my business. You have changed my life, I truly appreciate everything you have done to help me start living my dream not only as a photographer, but to spend less time working as a nurse at the hospital so that I can spend more time with my babies and my husband. These babies grow way too fast. Thank you for all that you do!

“The Business Course took me step by step through actionable ways I can start growing my business”



I started the business course about a year into my business! I'd discovered A&J through a friend at work and listen to all the free videos and just felt so connected to the philosophy behind their business model and how to treat people and create community. My husband asked me if I really wanted to get my

Mom of three making six-figures! 

“If a mom of 3 with no photography or business background can grow a 6 figure business in 4 years? There's no reason you can't too!”

Ready to enroll!





master's in nursing degree (because I was BURNED out being a cardiac RN) or if I wanted to "try this photography thing". He told me to buy SEC and Posing Course and just go for it. I started taking clients and people just kept coming so the natural next step was the Business Course. I had just left my job as a nurse and had our 3rd baby.

I didn't know anything about the wedding industry, and I had ideas about my business, but def not what you'd call a plan! I'm wrapping up my fourth year in business and am thrilled to announce that we are hitting 6 figures this year! The more exciting part though is that I've been able to craft a business around community, kindness, and spending so much more time with my family. My business grew enough that my husband was able to get out of the Air Force so we could settle down and have roots. Because of the foundation from BC, I knew how to shape things to lay a strong foundation to be ready for growth and love it when it happened. Year 5 is bringing a wedding in Europe!!!!

The biggest takeaway for me was truly the sense of community. I cannot stress enough how my photography friends have helped grow my business and make it fulfilling. So many photographers seem to be very critical of others, self-absorbed etc and I LOVE that I was able to learn about business from a mindset of abundance and community over competition. I loved having a safe place to ask "silly" questions and know that I wouldn't be ridiculed. Business is hard, so having that is just so important. Learning the fundamentals of blogging and curating so early on really propelled my business as well. Getting featured in publications and showcasing a curated blog to potential couples has been huge for growth! If you're willing to put in the work, the course gives you the framework and community you need. The investment is so minimal compared to the amount of information and connections you'll make. If a mom of 3 with no photography or business background can grow a 6 figure business in 4 years? There's no reason you can't too! 

I started the business course about a year into my business! I'd discovered A&J through a friend at work and listen to all the free videos and just felt so connected to the philosophy behind their business model and how to treat people and create community. My husband asked me if I really wanted to get my master's in nursing degree (because I was BURNED out being a cardiac RN) or if I wanted to "try this photography thing". He told me to buy SEC and Posing Course and just go for it. I started taking clients and people just kept coming so the natural next step was the Business Course. I had just left my job as a nurse and had our 3rd baby.

I didn't know anything about the wedding industry, and I had ideas about my business, but def not what you'd call a plan! I'm wrapping up my fourth year in business and am thrilled to announce that we are hitting 6 figures this year! The more exciting part though is that I've been able to craft a business around community, kindness, and spending so much more time with my family. My business grew enough that my husband was able to get out of the Air Force so we could settle down and have roots. Because of the foundation from BC, I knew how to shape things to lay a strong foundation to be ready for growth and love it when it happened. Year 5 is bringing a wedding in Europe!!!!

The biggest takeaway for me was truly the sense of community. I cannot stress enough how my photography friends have helped grow my business and make it fulfilling. So many photographers seem to be very critical of others, self-absorbed etc and I LOVE that I was able to learn about business from a mindset of abundance and community over competition. I loved having a safe place to ask "silly" questions and know that I wouldn't be ridiculed. Business is hard, so having that is just so important. Learning the fundamentals of blogging and curating so early on really propelled my business as well. Getting featured in publications and showcasing a curated blog to potential couples has been huge for growth! If you're willing to put in the work, the course gives you the framework and community you need. The investment is so minimal compared to the amount of information and connections you'll make. If a mom of 3 with no photography or business background can grow a 6 figure business in 4 years? There's no reason you can't too! 

“If a mom of 3 with no photography or business background can grow a 6 figure business in 4 years? There's
no reason you can't too!”



Before the AJ Business course, my life was filled with sessions that inconvenienced my family, didn’t make me much $$, and brought on the occasional comment from family members: “That’s so cute”. I had 4 kids, a husband, a full time job and a hobby. I made $5000 for 1 full year and after doing

Increased her income 12x - Supporting her family while her husband pursues his dream

“I have more time with family, I do work in the morning and if I’m not shooting a session, I have evenings off with the family!”

Ready to enroll!





the math for tax purposes, I walked away making $200 that I got to keep for the whole year! Yay me. Lol

Fast Forward 1 Year…

Life/business after AJ: 
After the AJ Business course, my life is now completely different! My husband is 100% on board and LOVES the income I’m bringing in (from $5000 to now $60,000 this year and projected 6 figures next year.) I quit my full time job. I’m giving back to my community in big ways and LOVE IT! Between second shooting and my own company, I am doing 2-3 weddings/month and have increased my wedding prices from 5 years ago making $900 to now making $3200 for my base, 8 hour package! I have more time with family, I do work in the morning and if I’m not shooting a session, I have evenings off with the family!! AND…. Y’ALLLLLLL!!!!! I’m looking at STUDIO spaces with my honey to EXPAND!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEE!!!!!

If you’re on the fence, take the leap of faith because this is worth every penny!! Amy & Jordan have an INCREDIBLE gift from God to TEACH and it SHOWS in this course! And they cover EVERYTHING, it seems! I feel like I’ve cheated my way through business school - they make it that easy!!!

Because of the AJ Business Course, I can finally say that my #1 wish is coming true… When you join AJ-BC, you get to join the FB group and they ask you for an intro with 3 wishes…. My very first wish I typed out thinking it would never come true is: #1: Give my husband his dream job. 

So, because of the AJ BC, I will soon be the breadwinner so he can pursue what he’s put off for so long… Medical School!!!!! (Cue tears)

Before the AJ Business course, my life was filled with sessions that inconvenienced my family, didn’t make me much $$, and brought on the occasional comment from family members: “That’s so cute”. I had 4 kids, a husband, a full time job and a hobby. I made $5000 for 1 full year and after doing the math for tax purposes, I walked away making $200 that I got to keep for the whole year! Yay me. Lol

Fast Forward 1 Year…

Life/business after AJ: 
After the AJ Business course, my life is now completely different! My husband is 100% on board and LOVES the income I’m bringing in (from $5000 to now $60,000 this year and projected 6 figures next year.) I quit my full time job. I’m giving back to my community in big ways and LOVE IT! Between second shooting and my own company, I am doing 2-3 weddings/month and have increased my wedding prices from 5 years ago making $900 to now making $3200 for my base, 8 hour package! I have more time with family, I do work in the morning and if I’m not shooting a session, I have evenings off with the family!! AND…. Y’ALLLLLLL!!!!! I’m looking at STUDIO spaces with my honey to EXPAND!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEE!!!!!

If you’re on the fence, take the leap of faith because this is worth every penny!! Amy & Jordan have an INCREDIBLE gift from God to TEACH and it SHOWS in this course! And they cover EVERYTHING, it seems! I feel like I’ve cheated my way through business school - they make it that easy!!!

Because of the AJ Business Course, I can finally say that my #1 wish is coming true… When you join AJ-BC, you get to join the FB group and they ask you for an intro with 3 wishes…. My very first wish I typed out thinking it would never come true is: #1: Give my husband his dream job. 

So, because of the AJ BC, I will soon be the breadwinner so he can pursue what he’s put off for so long… Medical School!!!!! (Cue tears)

“ I have more time with family, I do work in the morning and if I’m not shooting a session, I have evenings off with the family!! ”

Increased her income 12x - Supporting her family while her husband pursues his dream


The first year of my business (2018) I went by without taking the Business Course. When I started the Business Course, I was shocked at just how much I did not know when it came to running a business! I got hit hard with taxes and was very unprepared. I now feel wayyyyy more professional (haha) by using software like

Made her business official and is making six figures!

“I am making over six-figures in this business & I NEVER would have thought that could be possible!”

Ready to enroll!





Honeybook for invoices and contracts and keep all my bookkeeping in one safe place, have insurance, track expenses and write-offs throughout the year, and feel like I have really nailed down a business flow. Also got myself an LLC after one year (didn't have that for one whole year of business. Oops)!

I would say the social media section helped a ton with how to network myself online and connect with clients as well as the "business foundations" module. Sad to say it, but I didn't know more than 80 percent of what Amy and Jordan shared in this module and though it may be considered to be on the "boring" side, TAKE NOTES and follow every single piece of advice and direction given!

I can say I have told MANY photographer friends to take it! Friends that are just starting out specifically. I would say DO NOT WAIT. Do it now! To prevent any mistakes from taking place your first year and getting in a smart business flow from the get-go. I am making over six-figures in this business & I NEVER would have thought that could be possible! And the best part is that I am doing a job that I absolutely love and adore! 

The first year of my business (2018) I went by without taking the Business Course. When I started the Business Course, I was shocked at just how much I did not know when it came to running a business! I got hit hard with taxes and was very unprepared. I now feel wayyyyy more professional (haha) by using software like Honeybook for invoices and contracts and keep all my bookkeeping in one safe place, have insurance, track expenses and write-offs throughout the year, and feel like I have really nailed down a business flow. Also got myself an LLC after one year (didn't have that for one whole year of business. Oops)!

I would say the social media section helped a ton with how to network myself online and connect with clients as well as the "business foundations" module. Sad to say it, but I didn't know more than 80 percent of what Amy and Jordan shared in this module and though it may be considered to be on the "boring" side, TAKE NOTES and follow every single piece of advice and direction given!

I can say I have told MANY photographer friends to take it! Friends that are just starting out specifically. I would say DO NOT WAIT. Do it now! To prevent any mistakes from taking place your first year and getting in a smart business flow from the get-go. I am making over six-figures in this business & I NEVER would have thought that could be possible! And the best part is that I am doing a job that I absolutely love and adore! 

“I am making over six-figures in this business & I NEVER would have thought that could be possible!”



Before taking the AJ Business Course, I was always insecure. I felt intimidated. I felt lost. There were a lot of client situations that I didn’t know how to handle in a formal business way. As photographers there are so many things that we have to worry about - the lighting, the editing, the posing, and it’s still a business! Even

Gained respect from her clients and the confidence to become a wedding photographer!

“Since I’ve taken the AJ Business Course, I’m so much more confident and I'm getting more respect from my clients”

Ready to enroll!





though it’s my passion, it’s still my business, and I felt as though I would be taken more seriously delivering more business communication with my clients. I had situations where I didn’t know where to start with my clients or the proper way to handle communication from me to them. Since I’ve taken the AJ Business Course, I’m so much more confident, not only with communication with my clients, but with how I present myself. Sometimes as photographers we’re not taken seriously because people see us as someone with a hobby. But even though I was just starting, I got more respect from my clients by the way I presented myself after taking this course. I just looked more legit. One thing that I like about my business is that from the very beginning, I was always getting more respect from my clients because I looked legit. I have a website, I have a whole system of communication with them. All of the information I present to them is always in a business/formal, yet friendly way. That’s one of hte things that I liked the most about this course. When I started, I wanted to just be a family photographer but the Business Course gave me the confidence and inspiration to tell myself that I’m capable of taking a step further and doing wedding photography! The Business Course gives you so much information that you feel confident to do it! I’m really thankful to Amy and Jordan for not only the business side that they teach us, but the human side, and the values that they bring to these courses. The AJ Business Course is the type of course that you can always go back to! I can always study more and learn a little bit more! I’m always improving, I’m always prepared for what I’ll face next.

Before taking the AJ Business Course, I was always insecure. I felt intimidated. I felt lost. There were a lot of client situations that I didn’t know how to handle in a formal business way. As photographers there are so many things that we have to worry about - the lighting, the editing, the posing, and it’s still a business! Even though it’s my passion, it’s still my business, and I felt as though I would be taken more seriously delivering more business communication with my clients. I had situations where I didn’t know where to start with my clients or the proper way to handle communication from me to them. Since I’ve taken the AJ Business Course, I’m so much more confident, not only with communication with my clients, but with how I present myself. Sometimes as photographers we’re not taken seriously because people see us as someone with a hobby. But even though I was just starting, I got more respect from my clients by the way I presented myself after taking this course. I just looked more legit. One thing that I like about my business is that from the very beginning, I was always getting more respect from my clients because I looked legit. I have a website, I have a whole system of communication with them. All of the information I present to them is always in a business/formal, yet friendly way. That’s one of hte things that I liked the most about this course. When I started, I wanted to just be a family photographer but the Business Course gave me the confidence and inspiration to tell myself that I’m capable of taking a step further and doing wedding photography! The Business Course gives you so much information that you feel confident to do it! I’m really thankful to Amy and Jordan for not only the business side that they teach us, but the human side, and the values that they bring to these courses. The AJ Business Course is the type of course that you can always go back to! I can always study more and learn a little bit more! I’m always improving, I’m always prepared for what I’ll face next.

“Since I’ve taken the AJ Business Course, I’m so much more confident and I'm getting more respect from my clients”

Gained respect from her clients and the confidence to become a wedding photographer!


Originally, my business grew organically, so it was a lot of friends and family and word of mouth business. But, I was nervous before every shoot and I felt like the client was doing me a favor by booking me and taking a chance on me. It all started for me with the Posing Course. With that, I learned how to be efficient and

Stay at home mom who quadrupled her bookings!

“Once I cleaned up my website and social media, my schedule doubled... tripled... quadrupled.”

Ready to enroll!





confident with directing people. It made me feel *totally sure* I was setting my clients up for success with posing. The next year, I enrolled in the Shooting & Editing course and I gained so much more confidence with my camera. I began to see my camera as a tried & true, consistent formula, rather than a mystery. Finally, I wised up and enrolled in the Business Course - that really did round it all out for me! The first thing I did was clean up my messy website (and social media) and, I'm not kidding, once my online footprint was more polished, my schedule doubled...tripled...quadrupled. People are now finding me online that aren't even referrals.

As a stay-at-home mom, I've had to really pace myself with the growth, but I can wholeheartedly say that the Business Course, along with the foundation of Posing and Shooting & Editing, has really turned my business into a confident service I can offer my clients! I think the analogy of saying Apple wouldn't keep the iPhone 7 photos on their website to sell their iPhone 12 and promise "it's just better".....that hit me square in the eyes! The course really compelled me to put out a better brand for myself. Also, I became more in control of my price and much more in control of my boundaries. And however counter intuitive it may seem, that's actually supported higher prices and more time with my family!

If you're even remotely interested in growing your business, it's a no-brainer. I took the course and used the bits and pieces that made sense for me at the time...and I still saw a tremendous impact. I imagine that if, or when, I watch the Business Course again in 1, 2 or 3 years, it'll speak to me in a new way and I will still be able to see my business benefit from the course!  

Originally, my business grew organically, so it was a lot of friends and family and word of mouth business. But, I was nervous before every shoot and I felt like the client was doing me a favor by booking me and taking a chance on me. It all started for me with the Posing Course. With that, I learned how to be efficient and confident with directing people. It made me feel *totally sure* I was setting my clients up for success with posing. The next year, I enrolled in the Shooting & Editing course and I gained so much more confidence with my camera. I began to see my camera as a tried & true, consistent formula, rather than a mystery. Finally, I wised up and enrolled in the Business Course - that really did round it all out for me! The first thing I did was clean up my messy website (and social media) and, I'm not kidding, once my online footprint was more polished, my schedule doubled...tripled...quadrupled. People are now finding me online that aren't even referrals.

As a stay-at-home mom, I've had to really pace myself with the growth, but I can wholeheartedly say that the Business Course, along with the foundation of Posing and Shooting & Editing, has really turned my business into a confident service I can offer my clients! I think the analogy of saying Apple wouldn't keep the iPhone 7 photos on their website to sell their iPhone 12 and promise "it's just better".....that hit me square in the eyes! The course really compelled me to put out a better brand for myself. Also, I became more in control of my price and much more in control of my boundaries. And however counter intuitive it may seem, that's actually supported higher prices and more time with my family!

If you're even remotely interested in growing your business, it's a no-brainer. I took the course and used the bits and pieces that made sense for me at the time...and I still saw a tremendous impact. I imagine that if, or when, I watch the Business Course again in 1, 2 or 3 years, it'll speak to me in a new way and I will still be able to see my business benefit from the course!  

“Once I cleaned up my website and social media, my schedule doubled...tripled...quadrupled.”



Before the course I was working a full-time architectural job and just doing photography on the side. I was only shooting less than 10 weddings a year and taking any shoot I possibly could. I didn't have any rhyme or reason for doing things in my business and my experience with my couples was very sporadic.

Booking 90% of her client consultations & tripled her income

“Each of my couples are now getting the same great experience that they deserve and I am booking about 90% of the couples I do a video chat with!”

Ready to enroll!





It was basically, when I thought of something I did it, but that caused each experience to be different. Also, my business wasn't a legit business at that point. I was just doing it on the side because I didn't know any better. Now, I have officially gone full time in my business a couple weeks ago, and I have consistent bookings with both my weddings and senior sessions. I do around 20-25 weddings a year and have a Spokesmodel Team of 11 seniors that brings in tons of referrals each year for me. My business is right with the state and I have been able to add a studio manager to my team, and outsource with an accountant, bookkeeper, and editor. It has given me time back to be with my husband and not pull nights till 1:00am to get things done after my full-time job.

I still can't believe I am where I am, and I owe so much of it to Amy and Jordan and this Business Course. Each of my couples are now getting the same great experience that they deserve and I am booking about 90% of the couples I do a video chat with! I think the thing that helped me the most from the course was definitely the initial chat I have with them.

Before the course I would just send them my pricing and cross my fingers. Now I have a whole system on what I say and how I walk them through what a wedding day would be like with me. By the end of my client meetings, no one has questions because I covered everything, and sometimes they even insist on booking at the end of the meeting before we even hang up. It was a complete game changer! If you're thinking about joining the Business Course, JUST DO IT!! It will change your business tenfold! I couldn't even imagine what it was going to do for me and my business until I took the leap, so I'm here to say (now on the other side), that it was one of the best decisions I made! 

Before the course I was working a full-time architectural job and just doing photography on the side. I was only shooting less than 10 weddings a year and taking any shoot I possibly could. I didn't have any rhyme or reason for doing things in my business and my experience with my couples was very sporadic. It was basically, when I thought of something I did it, but that caused each experience to be different. Also, my business wasn't a legit business at that point. I was just doing it on the side because I didn't know any better. Now, I have officially gone full time in my business a couple weeks ago, and I have consistent bookings with both my weddings and senior sessions. I do around 20-25 weddings a year and have a Spokesmodel Team of 11 seniors that brings in tons of referrals each year for me. My business is right with the state and I have been able to add a studio manager to my team, and outsource with an accountant, bookkeeper, and editor. It has given me time back to be with my husband and not pull nights till 1:00am to get things done after my full-time job.

I still can't believe I am where I am, and I owe so much of it to Amy and Jordan and this Business Course. Each of my couples are now getting the same great experience that they deserve and I am booking about 90% of the couples I do a video chat with! I think the thing that helped me the most from the course was definitely the initial chat I have with them.

Before the course I would just send them my pricing and cross my fingers. Now I have a whole system on what I say and how I walk them through what a wedding day would be like with me. By the end of my client meetings, no one has questions because I covered everything, and sometimes they even insist on booking at the end of the meeting before we even hang up. It was a complete game changer! If you're thinking about joining the Business Course, JUST DO IT!! It will change your business tenfold! I couldn't even imagine what it was going to do for me and my business until I took the leap, so I'm here to say (now on the other side), that it was one of the best decisions I made! 

“Each of my couples are now getting the same great experience that they deserve and I am booking about 90% of the couples I do a video chat with!”



I just wanted to take pretty pictures and had no idea how to run a business. It's sooo much more than taking pretty pictures (but that's the most fun for sure!!) I feel so much more confident with the business side of things, which was the most intimidating for me. It's one thing to want to be a photographer, it's an entirely

Quadrupled her income and learned to run a successful business!

“I feel so much more confident with the business side of things, which was the most intimidating for me.”

Ready to enroll!





different thing to become a businesswoman too. It's pretty empowering! Invest in yourself as early as possible, learning the business side of things earlier will help you develop a workflow that enables you to truly grow. It's the best gift you can give your future self!  

I just wanted to take pretty pictures and had no idea how to run a business. It's sooo much more than taking pretty pictures (but that's the most fun for sure!!) I feel so much more confident with the business side of things, which was the most intimidating for me. It's one thing to want to be a photographer, it's an entirely different thing to become a businesswoman too. It's pretty empowering! Invest in yourself as early as possible, learning the business side of things earlier will help you develop a workflow that enables you to truly grow. It's the best gift you can give your future self!  

“I feel so much more confident with the business side of things, which was the most intimidating for me.”

Quadrupled her income and learned to run a successful business!


Before enrolling in this course, I basically had no idea how to run a proper business, had no business plan or monthly goals set to run the business. Before this course, I was shooting sessions for free and eight hour weddings for $400. I was dealing with depression after the death of my sister and mother ten months apart from each other. I am currently still taking the AJ Business Course because I have two daughters under two and it’s been a bit busy. From what I have learned so far, I was able to book multiple sessions, weddings, and family sessions while dealing with the pandemic. 

I currently raised my prices and have been getting multiple inquiries all the way for 2023. I was surprised at how quickly you can go from making a few HUNDRED dollars to a few THOUSAND in a couple of months! And I am most surprised by the amount of support the AJ Community gives to other members. Honestly my work life has been made easier. I am able to plan properly so I get maximum time with my husband and two daughters. I am not working after hours or any extra hours that add stress into my life. I’d highly recommend enrolling if you want financial freedom and a better plan to actually enjoy your life without working stress.

“I was surprised at how quickly you can go from making a few HUNDRED dollars to a few THOUSAND in a couple of months!”



We had been in business for a couple of years and had been booking but weren't confident in our client meetings. We also didn't have a real structure to our couple's experience. We were so nervous about doing something wrong in our business we never paid ourselves until the end of the year. Now we use the A&J

Raised their prices, doubled their income & confidently booking clients

“Every year we've upped our prices and still had consistent bookings, even with Covid!”

Ready to enroll!

Katie & Alec




client meeting set up and it has totally changed our meetings! We sell more albums because we walk couples through a real album and they can picture themselves in one. Every year we've upped our prices and still had consistent bookings, even with Covid! We also now have our business set up well and are making well over 6 figures every year where we actually pay ourselves.

We originally went into meetings so nervous! We didn't have a structure and always left not knowing how things went. Now, we have a set structure we use every single time. Right from the start, we know what to expect and lead our couples confidently through the meetings with a goal in mind. It's also helped because we know what to expect for how long each meeting will take too which saves us so much stress when we plan out our meeting days. The best part though is being able to confidently walk our couples through a sample album and be able to inform them about how we structure a wedding day while selling albums without feeling "salesy." We have left so many meetings where we ask "do you have any questions for us?" and the couple tells us we were so thorough and helpful! It's so great that we know right from the start that we're leaving a good impression and coming off as professional.

If you're on the fence, do it! We love the simple, practical steps you can implement immediately. It will help you set up your business to succeed in so many ways from learning about their client meeting set up to how to wisely handle your finances. We're trifecta students and have to say the Business Course is our favorite (which is hard to say because SEC is a very close second). We don't have the written numbers but know it went from around 60k and year with us not paying ourselves until after tax season to 120k plus the last 2 years! 

We had been in business for a couple of years and had been booking but weren't confident in our client meetings. We also didn't have a real structure to our couple's experience. We were so nervous about doing something wrong in our business we never paid ourselves until the end of the year. Now we use the A&J client meeting set up and it has totally changed our meetings! We sell more albums because we walk couples through a real album and they can picture themselves in one. Every year we've upped our prices and still had consistent bookings, even with Covid! We also now have our business set up well and are making well over 6 figures every year where we actually pay ourselves.

We originally went into meetings so nervous! We didn't have a structure and always left not knowing how things went. Now, we have a set structure we use every single time. Right from the start, we know what to expect and lead our couples confidently through the meetings with a goal in mind. It's also helped because we know what to expect for how long each meeting will take too which saves us so much stress when we plan out our meeting days. The best part though is being able to confidently walk our couples through a sample album and be able to inform them about how we structure a wedding day while selling albums without feeling "salesy." We have left so many meetings where we ask "do you have any questions for us?" and the couple tells us we were so thorough and helpful! It's so great that we know right from the start that we're leaving a good impression and coming off as professional.

If you're on the fence, do it! We love the simple, practical steps you can implement immediately. It will help you set up your business to succeed in so many ways from learning about their client meeting set up to how to wisely handle your finances. We're trifecta students and have to say the Business Course is our favorite (which is hard to say because SEC is a very close second). We don't have the written numbers but know it went from around 60k and year with us not paying ourselves until after tax season to 120k plus the last 2 years! 

“Every year we've upped our prices and still had consistent bookings, even with Covid!”


Katie & Alec

Before the course, I felt like I was feeling around in the dark or "crawling through the mud." I was generally struggling with wanting to improve on the shooting side and the business side of things. I was desperate to find someone who could give me a roadmap of all things photography. Someone who could start from the very

Tripled her bookings and made MORE money during the Pandemic

“I am consistently booking clients and feeling so confident in my processes! I increased my prices, and my bookings tripled within a year”

Ready to enroll!





beginning with a systemized approach that covers everything. Then I found Amy & Jordan's free class somehow through Instagram, and I learned more during that class than I had in all the other courses I had taken, combined! I wanted to get down to even the very basics, so I could once and for all be fully confident in everything I was doing. Your course is the only one I've found that literally starts you from scratch with every concept!

I enrolled in so many other courses and ended up feeling more confused after going through them! I don't even think I made it all the way through the Shooting and Editing Course before knowing I would also be investing in the business and posing courses. Amy and Jordan have seriously changed my life!

I am consistently booking clients and feeling so confident in my processes! I increased my prices, and my bookings tripled within a year after enrolling in Amy and Jordan's classes! I also made $15,000 more in 2020 shooting only 6 months of the year (thanks to the pandemic), than I did in 9 months of shooting in 2019 after enrolling in these classes! Client Communication, Social Media, Packages and Pricing, Client Experience, Under promise over deliver, and generally knowing that 2 extremely successful photographers have been where I am, and I now have the roadmap to know I'm still on the right track, even when it's hard.

For anyone contemplating, joining do it! It's such great peace of mind to learn from Amy and Jordan who teach better than any course I've ever taken! I've never once regretted an investment I made in their education! Investing in all things Amy and Jordan has been the best investment I've made for my business and the biggest game changer! They are the best and I'm soo grateful to be able to call myself one of their students!! 

Before the course, I felt like I was feeling around in the dark or "crawling through the mud." I was generally struggling with wanting to improve on the shooting side and the business side of things. I was desperate to find someone who could give me a roadmap of all things photography. Someone who could start from the very beginning with a systemized approach that covers everything. Then I found Amy & Jordan's free class somehow through Instagram, and I learned more during that class than I had in all the other courses I had taken, combined! I wanted to get down to even the very basics, so I could once and for all be fully confident in everything I was doing. Your course is the only one I've found that literally starts you from scratch with every concept!

I enrolled in so many other courses and ended up feeling more confused after going through them! I don't even think I made it all the way through the Shooting and Editing Course before knowing I would also be investing in the business and posing courses. Amy and Jordan have seriously changed my life!

I am consistently booking clients and feeling so confident in my processes! I increased my prices, and my bookings tripled within a year after enrolling in Amy and Jordan's classes! I also made $15,000 more in 2020 shooting only 6 months of the year (thanks to the pandemic), than I did in 9 months of shooting in 2019 after enrolling in these classes! Client Communication, Social Media, Packages and Pricing, Client Experience, Under promise over deliver, and generally knowing that 2 extremely successful photographers have been where I am, and I now have the roadmap to know I'm still on the right track, even when it's hard.

For anyone contemplating, joining do it! It's such great peace of mind to learn from Amy and Jordan who teach better than any course I've ever taken! I've never once regretted an investment I made in their education! Investing in all things Amy and Jordan has been the best investment I've made for my business and the biggest game changer! They are the best and I'm soo grateful to be able to call myself one of their students!! 

“I am consistently booking clients and feeling so confident in my processes! I increased my prices, and my bookings tripled within a year”



Before the AJ business course I had a passion for photography but no clue how to run an actual business. I felt like I was spinning my wheels without structure or a clear vision of where I was headed. Since starting the course I have set boundaries for my work and home life. I know where my priorities lie and am able

Built her business on a solid foundation and re-set her priorities

“Out of the DOZENS of online courses I've purchased, Amy and Jordans are the only ones that I keep coming back to.”

Ready to enroll!





to focus on tasks that will actually grow my business. It's taught me everything from good client communication to social media, pricing for profit, and more. When Amy and Jordan say they can teach anyone to write, they mean it! They give you a brilliant blogging structure that's easy to implement so that your clients feel loved and you feel confident in turning them out! This tiny fraction of the course is worth the investment alone!

Out of the DOZENS of online courses I've purchased, Amy and Jordans are the only ones that I keep coming back to. I'm 3 years into my business and have recently started going through the business course AGAIN because the information is still relevant. If you are wanting to build your business on a solid foundation, the AJ business course is the way to go. 

Before the AJ business course I had a passion for photography but no clue how to run an actual business. I felt like I was spinning my wheels without structure or a clear vision of where I was headed. Since starting the course I have set boundaries for my work and home life. I know where my priorities lie and am able to focus on tasks that will actually grow my business. It's taught me everything from good client communication to social media, pricing for profit, and more. When Amy and Jordan say they can teach anyone to write, they mean it! They give you a brilliant blogging structure that's easy to implement so that your clients feel loved and you feel confident in turning them out! This tiny fraction of the course is worth the investment alone!

Out of the DOZENS of online courses I've purchased, Amy and Jordans are the only ones that I keep coming back to. I'm 3 years into my business and have recently started going through the business course AGAIN because the information is still relevant. If you are wanting to build your business on a solid foundation, the AJ business course is the way to go. 

work, asking myself, "Is this it?". I've loved photography since I was 12, but had never considered pursuing it. I used to think that I couldn't be someone who could turn their passion or hobby into something profitable. My husband and I at the time were just dating, but I knew that I wanted a family. I wanted to be a mom one day who could be there for her family and children full time, something that I didn't really have as a child growing up. I want to be able to make it to their practices, and drop them off on their first day of school, but I knew that with my current job, that would have been near impossible. I was at a point in my life where I grew tired of investing my time and energy helping others build their dreams, while putting mine aside. ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING has changed since enrolling in the Business Course. I was taking photos for a local theater company for close to nothing at the time, when AJ's courses came up one day as I was scrolling through social media. I kept seeing Amy's face on my feed wondering "Who is this person, and why does she seem so happy all the time?!" I've always been told that the best investment you can make is in yourself, and eventually I invested in my very first educational course through them. I didn't tell my husband then that I had spent the money on it, so I used to watch the course at night when he'd fall asleep! For the first time in a long time, I felt hopeful, and excited about SOMETHING.
Just a few years ago, I was working 6-7 days a week at job that left me drained, still living paycheck to paycheck. My husband and I worked opposite schedules, so the only times we'd get to see each other was right before bedtime and maybe the weekends for a few hours. Since I had made the decision to invest in myself (FINALLY)... I was able to leave my full-time job... I felt alive again. I feel like I'm finally living my purpose! I can't believe I DID IT! I even get to TRAVEL doing what I love!!!

I'm forever grateful that my path led me to AJ, because they truly helped me change my life. I never thought that I could ever call myself a full-time professional photographer. It just seemed like a pipe dream! When I made the decision to pick up a camera to try and make something of it, I could barely get family and friends to let me take their photos. Now, we already have 25+ weddings booked for the next year alone, with numerous projects in between, and we're technically only coming into year 3 of being in business! AND I've almost tripled my income!

But most of all, My husband and I get to work alongside together in the business (yes I roped him in and he's great at it! Especially on wedding days!). It's an absolute blessing to be able to do this job with my significant other by my side. I still pinch myself every morning that I get to call photography my job!

 I have literally everything AJ has ever put out, but the business course was the ultimate icing on the cake! They created a blueprint to help me succeed in my business, while also remembering to love and serve my clients first at the end of the day. My friends and family who only ever saw me as a girl with a camera, now see me as a professional and respect that photography is my job! Before the business course, I had no weddings booked, only had one paid session in a span of six months, much less had a functioning and professional looking website! I still cringe when I think about what it looked like when I first started! Eeek!
There's no one size, over-night, fits all miracle course, but the AJ Business Course has helped and guided me into turning my passion into such a profitable business, as well as a few other AJ students I know and have become friends with. I adopted their mentality of 'community over competition' and it's led me to connect with some amazing people within the industry who to this day, still refer others to me! I'm forever grateful for Amy and Jordan willingly sharing their gifts as educators and photographers, because it's truly changed my life and gave me so much hope that I can be my own boss, while also being able to be there full time for my family I hope to have one day! 🙂 If you're considering enrolling, TAKE THE LEAP. Just do it! Invest in yourself and your future. I'm so happy I listened to my gut when I first got one of AJ's courses. Their method of teaching is absolutely amazing and one of a kind! The business course has helped to set me, my life, and my business up for success!

Before I stumbled upon Amy and Jordan's courses, I was working full time (sometimes 40+ hours a week) at a job where I was barely making 30k a y​ear. After my 3rd year into my GM position, I found myself physically, mentally, and emotionally drained. I even recall a few nights I'd cry in my car after a long day of

“Out of the DOZENS of online courses I've purchased, Amy and Jordans are the only ones that I keep coming back to.”



As a mom of two young kids, life and your time can be unpredictable! Before the Business course I was usually just taking photographs of my kids, and family when they came to visit. Because we are a military family most of my connections are across the country. Moving every 3-4 years it can be hard to start over or you

MILITARY wife & mom • Raised her prices & serving ideal clients

“This course gave me the confidence to raise my prices so the time away from my kids is WORTH IT!”

Ready to enroll!





may even feel defeated before you even start to take clients. I was taking maybe 1-2 clients every six months. Since the business course my perspective has changed! I graduated with a BA in Communication in 2012- and what Amy and Jordan teach in the business course is a HUGE advantage of continuing education for Communication and PR. Yes it focuses on Photography, but if you graduated with a BA in Comm or Business this is a great course to take and learn from people who have actually done it in real life! They focus on social media, blogging, writing and more. When I was in college social media and blogging were on the "newer" side. (I think Instagram was about 2 years old- yes I'm old, graduated college in 2012!) I learned Amy and Jordan's PR skills, adapting to technology/social media and seeing it for good. How to manage your time is a HUGE lesson I learned from this course! I really enjoyed this course because I believe it is continuing relevant education with my BA degree in Communication.

What helped me the most was defining my own success! Am I a $10,000 wedding photographer? No. Am I having 10+ clients a month of family and couple sessions? No. BUT.... for me, being home with my kids and getting out and blessing other families with beautiful photos is my goal! I am serving 2-3 families a month. That's more than I EVER would have dreamed of when I started out! Why? I've moved across the county, I moved again to the south, and had two kids! I get to spend time with my kids during the week and then get to shoot for other growing families every other weekend! This course gave me the confidence to raise my prices so the time away from my kids is WORTH IT! I think that if you feel confident in your photography skills and are looking to learn more, it's worth it!

I am so thankful I took this course BEFORE I built my website. It helped me SO MUCH when designing, writing and blogging when I finally published my site. Amy and Jordan are such amazing teachers. I feel heard and known by them. They take the time to make sure everyone understands, and there is no judgment. They know everyone's definition of success is different and they treat their students with such love! 

As a mom of two young kids, life and your time can be unpredictable! Before the Business course I was usually just taking photographs of my kids, and family when they came to visit. Because we are a military family most of my connections are across the country. Moving every 3-4 years it can be hard to start over or you may even feel defeated before you even start to take clients. I was taking maybe 1-2 clients every six months. Since the business course my perspective has changed! I graduated with a BA in Communication in 2012- and what Amy and Jordan teach in the business course is a HUGE advantage of continuing education for Communication and PR. Yes it focuses on Photography, but if you graduated with a BA in Comm or Business this is a great course to take and learn from people who have actually done it in real life! They focus on social media, blogging, writing and more. When I was in college social media and blogging were on the "newer" side. (I think Instagram was about 2 years old- yes I'm old, graduated college in 2012!) I learned Amy and Jordan's PR skills, adapting to technology/social media and seeing it for good. How to manage your time is a HUGE lesson I learned from this course! I really enjoyed this course because I believe it is continuing relevant education with my BA degree in Communication.

What helped me the most was defining my own success! Am I a $10,000 wedding photographer? No. Am I having 10+ clients a month of family and couple sessions? No. BUT.... for me, being home with my kids and getting out and blessing other families with beautiful photos is my goal! I am serving 2-3 families a month. That's more than I EVER would have dreamed of when I started out! Why? I've moved across the county, I moved again to the south, and had two kids! I get to spend time with my kids during the week and then get to shoot for other growing families every other weekend! This course gave me the confidence to raise my prices so the time away from my kids is WORTH IT! I think that if you feel confident in your photography skills and are looking to learn more, it's worth it!

I am so thankful I took this course BEFORE I built my website. It helped me SO MUCH when designing, writing and blogging when I finally published my site. Amy and Jordan are such amazing teachers. I feel heard and known by them. They take the time to make sure everyone understands, and there is no judgment. They know everyone's definition of success is different and they treat their students with such love! 

“This course gave me the confidence to raise my prices so the time away from my kids is WORTH IT!”



Before the AJ Business Course, my business was kind of at a stand still. I felt stuck -- like I had done everything I could possibly do and just didn't really know where to go from there. Looking back, purchasing the Business Course was one of the BEST things I could have done for my business! It taught me proven ways

Booking more than ever before! 

“It's such an amazing feeling because it didn't take me a decade to do it, all it took was investing in education”

Ready to enroll!





of how to run a successful photography business--completely invaluable in my opinion. Since taking the course, my business has soared! I've never had so many bookings in. my. life! It's such an amazing feeling because it didn't take me a decade to do it, all it took was investing in education. If there was one thing I could say to someone thinking about enrolling, I'd say: DO IT! It will change EVERYTHING. This course changed my life and it will change yours too!

Before the AJ Business Course, my business was kind of at a stand still. I felt stuck -- like I had done everything I could possibly do and just didn't really know where to go from there. Looking back, purchasing the Business Course was one of the BEST things I could have done for my business! It taught me proven ways of how to run a successful photography business--completely invaluable in my opinion. Since taking the course, my business has soared! I've never had so many bookings in. my. life! It's such an amazing feeling because it didn't take me a decade to do it, all it took was investing in education. If there was one thing I could say to someone thinking about enrolling, I'd say: DO IT! It will change EVERYTHING. This course changed my life and it will change yours too!

“It's such an amazing feeling because it didn't take me a decade to do it, all it took was investing in education”



Life was actually really good before the business course! We feel like people often think that the business course is only for people who are either “struggling” or “just starting out,” but we were quite content with where we were in life. However, the business course opened up our mind to the possibilities of life not

Felt steady in their business but wanted to take it to the next level

“This course helped us lay the “foundation” that we could then start building upon!”

Ready to enroll!

Josh & Andrea




only being “good” but BETTER than good! Since the business course, we finally finished all of the “important but boring” things in order to become a legitimate LLC. We believe this course helped us lay the “foundation” that we could then start building upon. Because of that, when the inquiries started coming in faster and faster, we weren’t having to scramble around, trying to “get ready,” but instead simply add things to our foundation that we already had put in place!

The course in of itself was awesome! However, in all honesty, the things that personally helped our business the most were the little “off-handed” comments made by Amy and Jordan that changed how we fundamentally thought about things. For example, we remember in the social media module, Jordan said “No one will think you are weird for being yourself on social media!” That one comment has probably booked us over half of our weddings for 2022 because since then, we have been unashamedly “US” on social media, and we’ve connected with so many brides and grooms because of that!

If someone is interested in the business course, we’d recommend that they think of the choice like they were buying a new vehicle with a manual transmission vs an automatic transmission. The automatic is easier and has less of a learning curve, and for some students, having the SEC and PC is all that they need for what they want from their business. However, for someone who wants the power of a manual, then even though the business course is "harder content,” the power that it holds is most definitely worth the effort!

Life was actually really good before the business course! We feel like people often think that the business course is only for people who are either “struggling” or “just starting out,” but we were quite content with where we were in life. However, the business course opened up our mind to the possibilities of life not only being “good” but BETTER than good! Since the business course, we finally finished all of the “important but boring” things in order to become a legitimate LLC. We believe this course helped us lay the “foundation” that we could then start building upon. Because of that, when the inquiries started coming in faster and faster, we weren’t having to scramble around, trying to “get ready,” but instead simply add things to our foundation that we already had put in place!

The course in of itself was awesome! However, in all honesty, the things that personally helped our business the most were the little “off-handed” comments made by Amy and Jordan that changed how we fundamentally thought about things. For example, we remember in the social media module, Jordan said “No one will think you are weird for being yourself on social media!” That one comment has probably booked us over half of our weddings for 2022 because since then, we have been unashamedly “US” on social media, and we’ve connected with so many brides and grooms because of that!

If someone is interested in the business course, we’d recommend that they think of the choice like they were buying a new vehicle with a manual transmission vs an automatic transmission. The automatic is easier and has less of a learning curve, and for some students, having the SEC and PC is all that they need for what they want from their business. However, for someone who wants the power of a manual, then even though the business course is "harder content,” the power that it holds is most definitely worth the effort!

“This course helped us lay the “foundation” that we could then start building upon!”


Josh & Andrea

Like so many photographers, I started thinking about my love of photography as a possible means of extra income after my first child was born. We weren’t in need of extra money, but as a stay at home mom, I was craving some sense of purpose outside of these 4 walls that didn’t revolve around wiping tushies! My humble side

Making more money while spending less time away from her family 

“The Business Course showed me I had a good base but I had room to improve, and the best part was the tweaks were small but impactful.”

Ready to enroll!





hustle has been in “business” for 3 years but I struggled to gain traction. I felt insecure with my work and as a result really struggled with pricing. I was beginning to feel like I was working too hard and spending too much time away from my family when I was only bringing home a few extra dollars here and there. When COVID hit, I remember telling a friend that I was cancelling everything and that I may just shut down. All of my expenses like Honeybook, Website, Pixieset etc. . . were all about to renew and I wasn’t bringing in any money. She encouraged me to just give it some time and not make a rash decision. Ultimately, I decided to throw myself back into the Business Course, probably because I REALLY needed a purpose outside of these 4 walls! In 2018 I made $3,620, in 2019, I made $4,636 and last year (2020), despite canceling and fully refunding all of my spring sessions and not shooting anything from February to July I made $12,648.

Initially, I hesitated to enroll in the business course because I am not a wedding photographer and I am not looking to work a full time job. I am, and choose to be, first and foremost a stay at home mom. I love my kids more than anything and really want to be present to support and encourage them on their journeys. To ensure I have the flexibility and freedom to attend school and sports functions, to volunteer, and to be fully engaged with my children, I don’t shoot weddings and I only take a limited number of portrait sessions each year. It was incredibly hard to price myself on the higher end (for portrait photography in the area) when I didn’t NEED the money. I was unsure if the Business Course would be helpful for someone who wasn’t looking to go full time, especially for someone who doesn’t shoot weddings. I honestly felt like I knew everything the course would teach me. The truth is I knew a lot, but I was missing some key ingredients. . . forgive this terrible analogy but, toasted bread with butter is just toast, toasted bread with butter and garlic is now garlic bread and transforms how well that bread goes with my spaghetti!

The Business Course showed me I had a good base but I had room to improve, and the best part was the tweaks were small but impactful. I didn’t have to completely change the way I was doing any one thing, but I could fine tune my process little by little to make it better over all. The best things to come from the business course are:

• I was able to confidently raise my prices and feel comfortable reducing the number of images I delivered for portrait sessions. I went from averaging $3.20/photo to $25/photo.

• The business course "gut check" gave me the confidence to change my pricing/session structure to make more money for my family while spending less time away from my family.

• I was able to more clearly identify my ideal client and as a result I’ve been able to tailor my brand and experience to my ideal client. This has made it easier to find my ideal client and has yielded happier clients . . . even though they’re paying more! To someone debating the Business course I would say no matter where you are in your journey or where you’re trying to go, there is information in the course that will justify the investment!  

Like so many photographers, I started thinking about my love of photography as a possible means of extra income after my first child was born. We weren’t in need of extra money, but as a stay at home mom, I was craving some sense of purpose outside of these 4 walls that didn’t revolve around wiping tushies! My humble side hustle has been in “business” for 3 years but I struggled to gain traction. I felt insecure with my work and as a result really struggled with pricing. I was beginning to feel like I was working too hard and spending too much time away from my family when I was only bringing home a few extra dollars here and there. When COVID hit, I remember telling a friend that I was cancelling everything and that I may just shut down. All of my expenses like Honeybook, Website, Pixieset etc. . . were all about to renew and I wasn’t bringing in any money. She encouraged me to just give it some time and not make a rash decision. Ultimately, I decided to throw myself back into the Business Course, probably because I REALLY needed a purpose outside of these 4 walls! In 2018 I made $3,620, in 2019, I made $4,636 and last year (2020), despite canceling and fully refunding all of my spring sessions and not shooting anything from February to July I made $12,648.

Initially, I hesitated to enroll in the business course because I am not a wedding photographer and I am not looking to work a full time job. I am, and choose to be, first and foremost a stay at home mom. I love my kids more than anything and really want to be present to support and encourage them on their journeys. To ensure I have the flexibility and freedom to attend school and sports functions, to volunteer, and to be fully engaged with my children, I don’t shoot weddings and I only take a limited number of portrait sessions each year. It was incredibly hard to price myself on the higher end (for portrait photography in the area) when I didn’t NEED the money. I was unsure if the Business Course would be helpful for someone who wasn’t looking to go full time, especially for someone who doesn’t shoot weddings. I honestly felt like I knew everything the course would teach me. The truth is I knew a lot, but I was missing some key ingredients. . . forgive this terrible analogy but, toasted bread with butter is just toast, toasted bread with butter and garlic is now garlic bread and transforms how well that bread goes with my spaghetti!

The Business Course showed me I had a good base but I had room to improve, and the best part was the tweaks were small but impactful. I didn’t have to completely change the way I was doing any one thing, but I could fine tune my process little by little to make it better over all. The best things to come from the business course are:

• I was able to confidently raise my prices and feel comfortable reducing the number of images I delivered for portrait sessions. I went from averaging $3.20/photo to $25/photo.

• The business course "gut check" gave me the confidence to change my pricing/session structure to make more money for my family while spending less time away from my family.

• I was able to more clearly identify my ideal client and as a result I’ve been able to tailor my brand and experience to my ideal client. This has made it easier to find my ideal client and has yielded happier clients . . . even though they’re paying more! To someone debating the Business course I would say no matter where you are in your journey or where you’re trying to go, there is information in the course that will justify the investment!  

“The Business Course showed me I had a good base but I had room to improve, and the best part was the tweaks were small but impactful.”



Before enrolling into the business course I was working a full time job, was overwhelmed in credit card debt. I was charging whatever people would pay me and was honestly all over the place. This last year my business has grown in ways I never expected it to. I went from shooting 14 weddings a year to 32 weddings at

Doubled her weddings and 5x her income! 

“My income of my business in just one year grew by 5 times than the previous year. If someone ever told me this was possible I would have never believed them. ”

Ready to enroll!





double the price. My income of my business in just one year grew by 5 times than the previous year. If someone ever told me this was possible I would have never believed them.

This added income allowed us to be debt free other than our home, purchase a new home, spend our 5 year wedding anniversary in Hawaii, and do this business full time which has allowed to have more freedom and control of my schedule and to be more involved with my family. Because of the business course, we are now living debt free and on our own terms. Paycheck to paycheck is no longer in our vocabulary and I am forever grateful for this education and can't recommend it enough.  

Before enrolling into the business course I was working a full time job, was overwhelmed in credit card debt. I was charging whatever people would pay me and was honestly all over the place. This last year my business has grown in ways I never expected it to. I went from shooting 14 weddings a year to 32 weddings at double the price. My income of my business in just one year grew by 5 times than the previous year. If someone ever told me this was possible I would have never believed them.

This added income allowed us to be debt free other than our home, purchase a new home, spend our 5 year wedding anniversary in Hawaii, and do this business full time which has allowed to have more freedom and control of my schedule and to be more involved with my family. Because of the business course, we are now living debt free and on our own terms. Paycheck to paycheck is no longer in our vocabulary and I am forever grateful for this education and can't recommend it enough.  

“My income of my business in just one year grew by 5 times than the previous year. If someone ever told me this was possible I would have never believed them. ”



I can't even begin to give Amy & Jordan enough credit for all their business advice and the effect it has had on my life. I was able to go from a Chiropractic Assistant to a full-time portrait & wedding photographer WITHOUT FEAR because of proper preparation - all thanks to these courses! My first year went

Working less and making more money than she ever imagined! 

“I had known how to "take a good photo" but Amy and Jordan took that and helped me make it a profitable business.”

Ready to enroll!





pretty dang good and I hit my income goals, and my second-year full time blew me AND my husband away! The way Amy & Jordan help you figure out business strategies, pricing, advertising, the intentionality of every email and text, all while keeping it a ministry absolutely makes this sustainable! It's not some get rich quick, or get 100k followers for success, you learn how to own and run your own business as a unique individual. 

I am now in my third year as a full-time photographer, my husband just graduated with his PhD, & we welcomed our first child, Charlotte Ruth, into our family- I'm able to still work AND be with her full time! We had goals set to give us the foundation for this life we are able to live now. We lived off my photography income and we bought a house in MY name, bought 2 cars with CASH, and have put so much away in savings because of photography and I owe it to Amy & Jordan giving the TOOLS (that you have to USE) to create a successful-to-us business! (success comes in many shapes and forms) My heart is so full! I had known how to "take a good photo" but Amy and Jordan took that and helped me make it a profitable business. 

As I type this at home, in my PJ's, just finished one hour of work while my baby is sleeping, about to get ready to go to the pool with her - I can't say it enough- I LOVE MY JOB. I love working hard. Playing harder. I love the idea of making more & working less. If you agree and are wondering if this course is right for you- well let me be honest- It only is if you are willing to put in the work and APPLY everything you learn. It doesn't start off a cakewalk - Just buying the course or watching some videos will not bring you profit. Put in the work, stop being intimidated. You CAN do this! Amy & Jordan are such amazing teachers and I am so so grateful for their education and this beautiful ministry of empowering people to design and create their own success stories. 

I can't even begin to give Amy & Jordan enough credit for all their business advice and the effect it has had on my life. I was able to go from a Chiropractic Assistant to a full-time portrait & wedding photographer WITHOUT FEAR because of proper preparation - all thanks to these courses! My first year went pretty dang good and I hit my income goals, and my second-year full time blew me AND my husband away! The way Amy & Jordan help you figure out business strategies, pricing, advertising, the intentionality of every email and text, all while keeping it a ministry absolutely makes this sustainable! It's not some get rich quick, or get 100k followers for success, you learn how to own and run your own business as a unique individual. 

I am now in my third year as a full-time photographer, my husband just graduated with his PhD, & we welcomed our first child, Charlotte Ruth, into our family- I'm able to still work AND be with her full time! We had goals set to give us the foundation for this life we are able to live now. We lived off my photography income and we bought a house in MY name, bought 2 cars with CASH, and have put so much away in savings because of photography and I owe it to Amy & Jordan giving the TOOLS (that you have to USE) to create a successful-to-us business! (success comes in many shapes and forms) My heart is so full! I had known how to "take a good photo" but Amy and Jordan took that and helped me make it a profitable business. 

As I type this at home, in my PJ's, just finished one hour of work while my baby is sleeping, about to get ready to go to the pool with her - I can't say it enough- I LOVE MY JOB. I love working hard. Playing harder. I love the idea of making more & working less. If you agree and are wondering if this course is right for you- well let me be honest- It only is if you are willing to put in the work and APPLY everything you learn. It doesn't start off a cakewalk - Just buying the course or watching some videos will not bring you profit. Put in the work, stop being intimidated. You CAN do this! Amy & Jordan are such amazing teachers and I am so so grateful for their education and this beautiful ministry of empowering people to design and create their own success stories. 

“I had known how to "take a good photo" but Amy and Jordan took that and helped me make it a profitable business.”



Before the Business Course I didn’t have a viable business. I worked two jobs. Owned one camera and two lenses. I had an Instagram page which gave no indication I liked photography or wanted to grow a photography business. (Although I truly did want to launch my photography business.) I didn’t have any

Went from 5 paid portrait sessions to 60 - during the Pandemic!

“Whether you’re a seasoned pro or someone thinking you may want to turn your photography hobby into a business... this is for YOU!”

Ready to enroll!





paying clients, a website, or any knowledge on running a business. I was clueless and had no idea where to begin. My business was completely transformed by the Business Course! It gave me a clear direction on the next steps for my business! I officially opened Dennah Renee Photography. Launched my website and Facebook page. Discovered my “why” and ideal client. Started marketing to my ideal client. Got into an amazing community of like minded photographers! Made friends with fellow wedding vendors. Legalized my business. And have a firm business foundation. I have been in business for just over two years. I have rewatched the Business Course multiple times. Each time I watch it I walk away with something new.

In 2019, I shot 4 weddings and 5 paid portrait sessions. I reinvested all the profit into my business. I quit my second job and focused my free time on implementing the things taught in the Business Course. In 2020, I shot 8 of my own weddings, second shot 8 weddings, and photographed 60 portrait sessions. Attended client meetings with confidence. I raised my prices twice. And the majority of this was done in the summer/fall of 2020 due to the pandemic. This is when my business became financially profitable! I was able to hire two team members. (Bookkeeper and accountant.) And I was able to go part time at my day job! In 2021, my net income for January is already at 40% of all net income in 2020. And this was during the “dead season”! I 100% believe this is due to the grace of God, amazing community, and the Business Course.

This year I am projected to double my weddings and sessions which will allow me to work full time for my business! The Business Course gave me sooo much hope! I wasn’t alone. And it was okay to not have all the answers. It gave me clear, actionable steps! Before the Business Course I was working two jobs. Now I am working part time at a day job and nearly full time for my own company. I have overwhelming peace knowing my business is legal. My husband and I are currently saving for our first home. Having a profitable business is helping make this dream a reality for us! Amy and Jordan give incredibly clear direction and insight. They break down broad concepts and ideas in practical ways. I was extremely impressed and immediately purchased the Posing Course and Shooting and Editing Course. I was surprised how much was covered in the Business Course! Amy and Jordan *literally* touch on every aspect of running a successful and profitable photography business! When I finished the course I felt excitement and hope! They answered all the business questions and more which had been running through my head.

If you're thinking about enrolling, Do. 👏🏼 It. 👏🏼 Now! 👏🏼 This is 100% THE BEST investment to you will EVER make in your business. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or someone thinking you may want to turn your photography hobby into a business...this is for YOU! Your business will only be as strong as the foundation you build it on.

Before the Business Course I didn’t have a viable business. I worked two jobs. Owned one camera and two lenses. I had an Instagram page which gave no indication I liked photography or wanted to grow a photography business. (Although I truly did want to launch my photography business.) I didn’t have any paying clients, a website, or any knowledge on running a business. I was clueless and had no idea where to begin. My business was completely transformed by the Business Course! It gave me a clear direction on the next steps for my business! I officially opened Dennah Renee Photography. Launched my website and Facebook page. Discovered my “why” and ideal client. Started marketing to my ideal client. Got into an amazing community of like minded photographers! Made friends with fellow wedding vendors. Legalized my business. And have a firm business foundation. I have been in business for just over two years. I have rewatched the Business Course multiple times. Each time I watch it I walk away with something new.

In 2019, I shot 4 weddings and 5 paid portrait sessions. I reinvested all the profit into my business. I quit my second job and focused my free time on implementing the things taught in the Business Course. In 2020, I shot 8 of my own weddings, second shot 8 weddings, and photographed 60 portrait sessions. Attended client meetings with confidence. I raised my prices twice. And the majority of this was done in the summer/fall of 2020 due to the pandemic. This is when my business became financially profitable! I was able to hire two team members. (Bookkeeper and accountant.) And I was able to go part time at my day job! In 2021, my net income for January is already at 40% of all net income in 2020. And this was during the “dead season”! I 100% believe this is due to the grace of God, amazing community, and the Business Course.

This year I am projected to double my weddings and sessions which will allow me to work full time for my business! The Business Course gave me sooo much hope! I wasn’t alone. And it was okay to not have all the answers. It gave me clear, actionable steps! Before the Business Course I was working two jobs. Now I am working part time at a day job and nearly full time for my own company. I have overwhelming peace knowing my business is legal. My husband and I are currently saving for our first home. Having a profitable business is helping make this dream a reality for us! Amy and Jordan give incredibly clear direction and insight. They break down broad concepts and ideas in practical ways. I was extremely impressed and immediately purchased the Posing Course and Shooting and Editing Course. I was surprised how much was covered in the Business Course! Amy and Jordan *literally* touch on every aspect of running a successful and profitable photography business! When I finished the course I felt excitement and hope! They answered all the business questions and more which had been running through my head.

If you're thinking about enrolling, Do. 👏🏼 It. 👏🏼 Now! 👏🏼 This is 100% THE BEST investment to you will EVER make in your business. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or someone thinking you may want to turn your photography hobby into a business...this is for YOU! Your business will only be as strong as the foundation you build it on.

“Whether you’re a seasoned pro or someone thinking you may want to turn your photography hobby into a business... this is for YOU!”



Before enrolling in this course, I basically had no idea how to run a proper business, had no business plan or monthly goals set to run the business. Before this course, I was shooting sessions for free and eight hour weddings for $400. I was dealing with depression after the death of my sister and mother ten months

Booked more in a few days than in a few years!

“I was surprised at how quickly you can go from making a few HUNDRED dollars to a few THOUSAND in a couple of months!”

Ready to enroll!





apart from each other. I am currently still taking the AJ Business Course because I have two daughters under two and it’s been a bit busy. From what I have learned so far, I was able to book multiple sessions, weddings, and family sessions while dealing with the pandemic. 

I currently raised my prices and have been getting multiple inquiries all the way for 2023. I was surprised at how quickly you can go from making a few HUNDRED dollars to a few THOUSAND in a couple of months! And I am most surprised by the amount of support the AJ Community gives to other members. Honestly my work life has been made easier. I am able to plan properly so I get maximum time with my husband and two daughters. I am not working after hours or any extra hours that add stress into my life. I’d highly recommend enrolling if you want financial freedom and a better plan to actually enjoy your life without working stress.

Before the business course, I honestly had not even the slightest idea what I was doing. I understood shooting and posing fairly well (thanks SEC + PC!), but when it came to the business side of things, I needed some serious help! I didn’t have a website, I didn’t have a logo, I barely had a business name! After the Business

Launched her business with $9000 in bookings the first month! 

“I used to see income jumps advertised with this course and always thought that could just never be me. But here we are! It was a game changer!”

Ready to enroll!





Course, I feel SO much better both financially and legally. There were so many things I needed guidance on and also things I honestly didn’t even know about! The amount of information presented in this one course is seriously amazing! I’ve had so much extra income as a result of enrolling in the business course, which has been such a blessing with student loans to pay for and my own wedding coming up this August! 

After just the first month of launching my business, I was able to book $9,000 worth of portrait sessions and weddings! I used to see income jumps advertised with this course and always thought that could just never be me. But here we are! It was a game changer! I was a little afraid I would be completely overwhelmed with the content, but their style of teaching is amazing – they take what may seem like a complicated topic and break it down so effortlessly to make it easy to understand and implement! All of their courses are like that, which is why I love them so much! I was most surprised by the amount of inquiries that started coming in after officially launching my business! I had been so nervous to put myself out there and anticipated hardly anyone wanting images from me. I was so wrong! I had so many sessions, it was a little overwhelming! I wish I would’ve had the courage to start it sooner, and this course finally gave me the confidence I needed!

What you’ll gain from this course is so much more than you could ever imagine. The cost of this course is just a teeny tiny fraction of what it will bring in for you if you put in the work and implement what’s taught! One of the very best investments I’ve made for my business!

Before the business course, I honestly had not even the slightest idea what I was doing. I understood shooting and posing fairly well (thanks SEC + PC!), but when it came to the business side of things, I needed some serious help! I didn’t have a website, I didn’t have a logo, I barely had a business name! After the Business Course, I feel SO much better both financially and legally. There were so many things I needed guidance on and also things I honestly didn’t even know about! The amount of information presented in this one course is seriously amazing! I’ve had so much extra income as a result of enrolling in the business course, which has been such a blessing with student loans to pay for and my own wedding coming up this August! 

After just the first month of launching my business, I was able to book $9,000 worth of portrait sessions and weddings! I used to see income jumps advertised with this course and always thought that could just never be me. But here we are! It was a game changer! I was a little afraid I would be completely overwhelmed with the content, but their style of teaching is amazing – they take what may seem like a complicated topic and break it down so effortlessly to make it easy to understand and implement! All of their courses are like that, which is why I love them so much! I was most surprised by the amount of inquiries that started coming in after officially launching my business! I had been so nervous to put myself out there and anticipated hardly anyone wanting images from me. I was so wrong! I had so many sessions, it was a little overwhelming! I wish I would’ve had the courage to start it sooner, and this course finally gave me the confidence I needed!

What you’ll gain from this course is so much more than you could ever imagine. The cost of this course is just a teeny tiny fraction of what it will bring in for you if you put in the work and implement what’s taught! One of the very best investments I’ve made for my business!

“I used to see income jumps advertised with this course and always thought that could just never be me. But here we are! It was a game changer!”



Before enrolling in the Business course I felt like I was trying to run my whole business in the dark. I didn’t know what to do, where to start or how to really market or give people the EXPERIENCE that I wanted to. I was grasping at straws finding out day after day that I needed to do something else & didn’t know how to

Made 5x more than her first year of business! 

“My life completely changed because my 'side gig' turned into more of a full time job.”

Ready to enroll!





or where to start! Since completing the business course, that side of my photography company has taken a 180 turn! I have a clear perspective of how I want each couples experience to be from the very first interaction with them along with letting them get to know me via social media! Since enrolling in the business course I have been able to keep everything on track & handled! My life completely changed because my “side gig” turned into more of a full time job. I made more than 5x what I did my first year of business without the business course.

My goal this year is to double what I did in 2020! I was a little bit hesistant to join the business course because to be honest, some places claim they will help you be successful & they don’t even start you from square one. I love that the course explains EVERY step from the very beginning all the way to the end! Plus I had already bought the other courses & had complete trust in Amy & Jordan and their teaching style. I was surprised at how “blind” I was. I thought I was a good entrepreneur, & knew how to run a good business for the most part. The Business Course opened my eyes to SOOO many things I hadn’t even thought of. Starting with even just having an ideal client!

If someone was contemplating buying the Business Course, I would say 1,000,000% do it. With no hesitation. It will help you discover who you are as a person & how you want that to reflect in your business & photography. It will help you start from 0 and get to where you want to be. Success looks different for us all but it is attainable. If you reach for your dreams you can do anything. Amy & Jordan believe in their students & help in any way that they can. They don’t miss one thing that you may need to know or might need help on. They are not in it to “take your money” and they aren’t some kind of scam. I would recommend any & all their courses to any & every photographer. I often recommend their other resources (podcast, prints, etc.) to literally everyone else I know.

Before enrolling in the Business course I felt like I was trying to run my whole business in the dark. I didn’t know what to do, where to start or how to really market or give people the EXPERIENCE that I wanted to. I was grasping at straws finding out day after day that I needed to do something else & didn’t know how to or where to start! Since completing the business course, that side of my photography company has taken a 180 turn! I have a clear perspective of how I want each couples experience to be from the very first interaction with them along with letting them get to know me via social media! Since enrolling in the business course I have been able to keep everything on track & handled! My life completely changed because my “side gig” turned into more of a full time job. I made more than 5x what I did my first year of business without the business course.

My goal this year is to double what I did in 2020! I was a little bit hesistant to join the business course because to be honest, some places claim they will help you be successful & they don’t even start you from square one. I love that the course explains EVERY step from the very beginning all the way to the end! Plus I had already bought the other courses & had complete trust in Amy & Jordan and their teaching style. I was surprised at how “blind” I was. I thought I was a good entrepreneur, & knew how to run a good business for the most part. The Business Course opened my eyes to SOOO many things I hadn’t even thought of. Starting with even just having an ideal client!

If someone was contemplating buying the Business Course, I would say 1,000,000% do it. With no hesitation. It will help you discover who you are as a person & how you want that to reflect in your business & photography. It will help you start from 0 and get to where you want to be. Success looks different for us all but it is attainable. If you reach for your dreams you can do anything. Amy & Jordan believe in their students & help in any way that they can. They don’t miss one thing that you may need to know or might need help on. They are not in it to “take your money” and they aren’t some kind of scam. I would recommend any & all their courses to any & every photographer. I often recommend their other resources (podcast, prints, etc.) to literally everyone else I know.

“My life completely changed because my 'side gig' turned into more of a full time job.”



Before entering the Amy & Jordan Business Course, my business had seriously plateaued. In many ways, it had “dropped off” the deep end. A year and a half before enrolling, me and my family of three moved from Southeast Idaho to the Phoenix area. Within the Southeast Idaho area, I was a fairly successful

Booking every inquiry and doubled her pricing!  

“I feel like a STRONG BUSINESSWOMAN rather than a struggling entrepreneur.”

Ready to enroll!





photographer in the college town in which we lived. I definitely wasn’t charging the pricing I wanted to, but I was pleased that I was getting hired. When we moved to Arizona, things DRASTICALLY changed. The first 6 months we lived in Arizona I was on maternity leave. As I jumped back into wedding work, I soon realized my usual business practices were not going to cut it in the “Big City.” It wasn’t enough to be a skilled photographer. I needed to provide an experience -- but I didn’t know how. Then covid hit and I felt like I had hit rock bottom. All these photographers around me were rebooking weddings and I felt SO low that I didn’t even have one to “rebook.” There were tears, lots of doubt, and contemplation if I could even achieve this “luxury wedding photographer” dream of mine. I needed help. Then Amy & Jordan’s Business Course waltzed into my life. It’s been a night and day difference since completing the Business Course. 

Every potential wedding inquiry I’ve received that I have followed Amy & Jordan’s instructions on how to work with my clients, I have booked. I even booked two weddings DOUBLE my original pricing in one SINGLE Saturday the FIRST TIME I followed Amy & Jordan’s client meeting guidelines exactly. I felt like I was walking on air! Because of the Business course, I feel like I have a game-plan for every situation in my business. It eliminates the guesswork, and it provides relief in giving every bit of knowledge for all aspects of running a successful photography business. Here I am 6 months after completing Amy & Jordan’s Business Course, thriving rather than surviving. I spend less time anxiously awaiting follow-up emails from potential clients, questioning “Will they book? Will they not? Did I do enough?” Now I know I’ve done enough.

As someone who struggles with anxiety, it has truly brought so much emotional relief to my mental health. I feel like a STRONG BUSINESSWOMAN rather than a struggling entrepreneur. Not only has this course boosted my personal confidence, but it’s provided my family with the additional income we’ve needed to purchase our first home. This course has blessed mine and my family’s lives financially and emotionally! I am so grateful! When I was debating on whether or not to enroll in the course I turned to my mom who has stalked Amy & Jordan on Instagram for years, dreaming over their beautiful photography and giggling at their darling kiddos. My mom said to me, “I’m no photographer, but if they can do for you what they’ve done for other photographers, I know their Business Course would be worth every penny.” After doing much research, I agreed with her! There were so many success stories from students enrolled in Amy & Jordan’s Course. The only hesitation I had stemmed from not knowing how long it would be until I saw that success. Clearly, I had no need to be concerned about how soon I’d find success!

After devouring the course, I meticulously dove into all the material they provided and within 1 month my inquiries increased significantly! I was unbelievably shocked at how quickly this course changed my life. Don’t hesitate to enroll! Don’t miss the opportunity to change your life! Why try to figure out how to create your dream business, when the path to success is written out for you! I wish I had this course 7 years ago when I began my business. You’ve given Morgan Weaver Creative new light, and I’m forever grateful! Thank you, Amy & Jordan!

Before entering the Amy & Jordan Business Course, my business had seriously plateaued. In many ways, it had “dropped off” the deep end. A year and a half before enrolling, me and my family of three moved from Southeast Idaho to the Phoenix area. Within the Southeast Idaho area, I was a fairly successful photographer in the college town in which we lived. I definitely wasn’t charging the pricing I wanted to, but I was pleased that I was getting hired. When we moved to Arizona, things DRASTICALLY changed. The first 6 months we lived in Arizona I was on maternity leave. As I jumped back into wedding work, I soon realized my usual business practices were not going to cut it in the “Big City.” It wasn’t enough to be a skilled photographer. I needed to provide an experience -- but I didn’t know how. Then covid hit and I felt like I had hit rock bottom. All these photographers around me were rebooking weddings and I felt SO low that I didn’t even have one to “rebook.” There were tears, lots of doubt, and contemplation if I could even achieve this “luxury wedding photographer” dream of mine. I needed help. Then Amy & Jordan’s Business Course waltzed into my life. It’s been a night and day difference since completing the Business Course. 

Every potential wedding inquiry I’ve received that I have followed Amy & Jordan’s instructions on how to work with my clients, I have booked. I even booked two weddings DOUBLE my original pricing in one SINGLE Saturday the FIRST TIME I followed Amy & Jordan’s client meeting guidelines exactly. I felt like I was walking on air! Because of the Business course, I feel like I have a game-plan for every situation in my business. It eliminates the guesswork, and it provides relief in giving every bit of knowledge for all aspects of running a successful photography business. Here I am 6 months after completing Amy & Jordan’s Business Course, thriving rather than surviving. I spend less time anxiously awaiting follow-up emails from potential clients, questioning “Will they book? Will they not? Did I do enough?” Now I know I’ve done enough.

As someone who struggles with anxiety, it has truly brought so much emotional relief to my mental health. I feel like a STRONG BUSINESSWOMAN rather than a struggling entrepreneur. Not only has this course boosted my personal confidence, but it’s provided my family with the additional income we’ve needed to purchase our first home. This course has blessed mine and my family’s lives financially and emotionally! I am so grateful! When I was debating on whether or not to enroll in the course I turned to my mom who has stalked Amy & Jordan on Instagram for years, dreaming over their beautiful photography and giggling at their darling kiddos. My mom said to me, “I’m no photographer, but if they can do for you what they’ve done for other photographers, I know their Business Course would be worth every penny.” After doing much research, I agreed with her! There were so many success stories from students enrolled in Amy & Jordan’s Course. The only hesitation I had stemmed from not knowing how long it would be until I saw that success. Clearly, I had no need to be concerned about how soon I’d find success!

After devouring the course, I meticulously dove into all the material they provided and within 1 month my inquiries increased significantly! I was unbelievably shocked at how quickly this course changed my life. Don’t hesitate to enroll! Don’t miss the opportunity to change your life! Why try to figure out how to create your dream business, when the path to success is written out for you! I wish I had this course 7 years ago when I began my business. You’ve given Morgan Weaver Creative new light, and I’m forever grateful! Thank you, Amy & Jordan!

“I feel like a STRONG BUSINESSWOMAN rather than a struggling entrepreneur.”

Booking every inquiry and doubled her pricing!  


Before taking the AJ Business Course, I didn’t have a business and zero business knowledge! I had been doing photography for about a year. I would shoot portraits for friends when I had time. I didn’t think of myself as a photographer

Full-time student stated part time photography business during the Pandemic

“The course gave me a better understanding of how to meet my ideal clients and create long-lasting relationships with them!”

Ready to enroll!





and, certainly, not as a business owner. After losing my job due to COVID-19, I had the drive and the time to make money doing something I love! I had taken the AJ Shooting and Editing and Posing courses and learned so much from both. I knew that the Business Course was my next step into creating a successful business. The AJ Business Course helped me change in ways that I didn’t even know. In the first month of business, I had seven bookings! It was very exciting (and overwhelming)! The course gave me a better understanding of how to meet my ideal clients and create long-lasting relationships with them! The course steered me in the right direction for pricing my portrait sessions. Amy and Jordan explained how to use social media, blogging, and creating a website that appeals to your ideal client. 

It has been five months since completing the business course, I have established a solid foundation for my part-time photography business. I feel confident charging for my services and have a part-time income that I wouldn’t have had before the course. I still have much more to learn, but I feel confident in my journey as a business owner now. I have grown tremendously as a result of the Business Course as a photographer and as a person.

First, I am much more organized! After learning about the client experience, I think more systematically about how I want my business to flow. I have been much more organized in my personal life by writing things down and keeping track of my expenses. Most importantly, Amy and Jordan helped me learn the value of time. I keep track of my time and how long things will take me to do. I even run my errands all on the same day now :) ! I am grateful that I have figured out how to save time. I am using that extra time for school and having quality time with my boyfriend and our kittens! 

My biggest hesitation was not feeling confident that I was ready to have a business. I wasn’t convinced to invest in myself at first. Let me tell you; it was worth EVERY PENNY! I also felt like I didn’t have time to do the course as I am a full-time student. I am so glad I made the time for this course. I completed the course by watching a module for an hour or two every day. It felt very manageable! I was surprised at the vast amount of information in the Business Course. It covers many areas of a photography business! I will use the fundamental business concepts taught in the course for the rest of my life. Another surprise was how exciting it was to learn about business! Amy and Jordan held my attention the entire time, and I didn’t feel overwhelmed. They know how to deliver the information in a way that is exciting and engaging. I would recommend the AJ Business Course to anyone interested in taking their love for photography to the next level! It is for the newer photographer just getting started and for the seasoned photographer looking to refresh their business skills. Also, Amy and Jordan are incredible teachers and making learning business fun!

Before taking the AJ Business Course, I didn’t have a business and zero business knowledge! I had been doing photography for about a year. I would shoot portraits for friends when I had time. I didn’t think of myself as a photographer and, certainly, not as a business owner. After losing my job due to COVID-19, I had the drive and the time to make money doing something I love! I had taken the AJ Shooting and Editing and Posing courses and learned so much from both. I knew that the Business Course was my next step into creating a successful business. The AJ Business Course helped me change in ways that I didn’t even know. In the first month of business, I had seven bookings! It was very exciting (and overwhelming)! The course gave me a better understanding of how to meet my ideal clients and create long-lasting relationships with them! The course steered me in the right direction for pricing my portrait sessions. Amy and Jordan explained how to use social media, blogging, and creating a website that appeals to your ideal client. 

It has been five months since completing the business course, I have established a solid foundation for my part-time photography business. I feel confident charging for my services and have a part-time income that I wouldn’t have had before the course. I still have much more to learn, but I feel confident in my journey as a business owner now. I have grown tremendously as a result of the Business Course as a photographer and as a person.

First, I am much more organized! After learning about the client experience, I think more systematically about how I want my business to flow. I have been much more organized in my personal life by writing things down and keeping track of my expenses. Most importantly, Amy and Jordan helped me learn the value of time. I keep track of my time and how long things will take me to do. I even run my errands all on the same day now :) ! I am grateful that I have figured out how to save time. I am using that extra time for school and having quality time with my boyfriend and our kittens! 

My biggest hesitation was not feeling confident that I was ready to have a business. I wasn’t convinced to invest in myself at first. Let me tell you; it was worth EVERY PENNY! I also felt like I didn’t have time to do the course as I am a full-time student. I am so glad I made the time for this course. I completed the course by watching a module for an hour or two every day. It felt very manageable! I was surprised at the vast amount of information in the Business Course. It covers many areas of a photography business! I will use the fundamental business concepts taught in the course for the rest of my life. Another surprise was how exciting it was to learn about business! Amy and Jordan held my attention the entire time, and I didn’t feel overwhelmed. They know how to deliver the information in a way that is exciting and engaging. I would recommend the AJ Business Course to anyone interested in taking their love for photography to the next level! It is for the newer photographer just getting started and for the seasoned photographer looking to refresh their business skills. Also, Amy and Jordan are incredible teachers and making learning business fun!

“I feel like a STRONG BUSINESSWOMAN rather than a struggling entrepreneur.”

Full-time student stated part time photography business during the Pandemic


Before the business course, I was pretty much just guessing at everything. Nothing was consistent and I secretly wasn't confident in how I was running my business. I froze at in-person client meetings, questioned my prices every time someone ghosted me (I must be too expensive!), and kept wondering "what am I

Booking ideal clients at her highest price point

“The client meeting walkthrough is seriously a golden nugget and was a huge game changer for me. That section alone paid for the Business Course!”

Ready to enroll!





doing wrong??" I felt like I was showing great work but just showing pretty pictures isn't enough. I knew I was worth it but I just couldn't figure out how to show my worth to prospective clients. I FINALLY have mastered the client meeting!! I can walk (or click) into any client meeting and feel confident that I will nail it. Our bookings have increased simply because I'm no longer fumbling over myself at client meetings! I show up as the confident expert that makes brides feel like they are in good hands. Our clients rave about us to all of their friends because of the experience we give them...not just the photos. I had a bride literally print out their blog post and store it in their wedding keepsake box because what we wrote about them and their wedding day meant that much to them. We have booked so many brides from word of mouth referrals it's unbelievable! We've gained a reputation for our experience, our expertise and our work and we're no longer booking brides just because the price is right. Brides want US.

We've been able to raise our prices even in the middle of a pandemic. When everyone else was cancelling weddings, we were BOOKING! And at our highest price point yet! Our expected income has already doubled for 2021 compared to 2020 and it's only March. We did have a dry spell during 2020 just like everyone else and didn't book anything for 5 months. I thought I was about to close my doors. Instead, we raised our prices, kept showing up, updated and refreshed our website, continued to network with our industry friends, continued posting to show our consistency and that we were busy (basically all the business course things!)...and wouldn't you know, it WORKED. We're booking ideal brides at our highest price point yet and it feels SO good to not have to worry about this year. The confidence and assurity that I'm running my business the right way is such a great feeling. My business is finally going the direction I want. The fact that we've survived one of the hardest years yet and came out on top is both humbling and exciting! My husband is going back to school for a new career path, we have a one year old baby boy and money is TIGHT. But we know we'll be fine because the photography business is doing well!

What's surprised me the most is watching my business grow from implementing what I've learned! It's easy to think "Ok, yeah, that worked great for you...but I don't have high end clients like you do..." Putting all of our business course knowledge into action and then actually seeing RESULTS has been really exciting! The biggest surprise was probably the night and day difference in our client meeting experience and outcome. For the first time, I walked into a meeting and knew exactly how it was going to go from beginning to end (yes, even that awkward closing and leaving moment). What was even more shocking was that we had a bride email us ready to book before we even got home! WHAT? That never happened before! If you're playing the business guessing game like I was, constantly questioning your prices, clamming up at client meetings, clueless on the business backend (LLC?? Sole Proprietor??? Insurance??) this is definitely for you. There were videos on literally everything I needed. The client meeting walkthrough is seriously a golden nugget and was a huge game changer for me. That section alone paid for the business course because of the weddings we booked from that knowledge. The peace of mind and the newfound confidence in my business is such an amazing feeling and one that every business owner should have!

Before the business course, I was pretty much just guessing at everything. Nothing was consistent and I secretly wasn't confident in how I was running my business. I froze at in-person client meetings, questioned my prices every time someone ghosted me (I must be too expensive!), and kept wondering "what am I doing wrong??" I felt like I was showing great work but just showing pretty pictures isn't enough. I knew I was worth it but I just couldn't figure out how to show my worth to prospective clients. I FINALLY have mastered the client meeting!! I can walk (or click) into any client meeting and feel confident that I will nail it. Our bookings have increased simply because I'm no longer fumbling over myself at client meetings! I show up as the confident expert that makes brides feel like they are in good hands. Our clients rave about us to all of their friends because of the experience we give them...not just the photos. I had a bride literally print out their blog post and store it in their wedding keepsake box because what we wrote about them and their wedding day meant that much to them. We have booked so many brides from word of mouth referrals it's unbelievable! We've gained a reputation for our experience, our expertise and our work and we're no longer booking brides just because the price is right. Brides want US.

We've been able to raise our prices even in the middle of a pandemic. When everyone else was cancelling weddings, we were BOOKING! And at our highest price point yet! Our expected income has already doubled for 2021 compared to 2020 and it's only March. We did have a dry spell during 2020 just like everyone else and didn't book anything for 5 months. I thought I was about to close my doors. Instead, we raised our prices, kept showing up, updated and refreshed our website, continued to network with our industry friends, continued posting to show our consistency and that we were busy (basically all the business course things!)...and wouldn't you know, it WORKED. We're booking ideal brides at our highest price point yet and it feels SO good to not have to worry about this year. The confidence and assurity that I'm running my business the right way is such a great feeling. My business is finally going the direction I want. The fact that we've survived one of the hardest years yet and came out on top is both humbling and exciting! My husband is going back to school for a new career path, we have a one year old baby boy and money is TIGHT. But we know we'll be fine because the photography business is doing well!

What's surprised me the most is watching my business grow from implementing what I've learned! It's easy to think "Ok, yeah, that worked great for you...but I don't have high end clients like you do..." Putting all of our business course knowledge into action and then actually seeing RESULTS has been really exciting! The biggest surprise was probably the night and day difference in our client meeting experience and outcome. For the first time, I walked into a meeting and knew exactly how it was going to go from beginning to end (yes, even that awkward closing and leaving moment). What was even more shocking was that we had a bride email us ready to book before we even got home! WHAT? That never happened before! If you're playing the business guessing game like I was, constantly questioning your prices, clamming up at client meetings, clueless on the business backend (LLC?? Sole Proprietor??? Insurance??) this is definitely for you. There were videos on literally everything I needed. The client meeting walkthrough is seriously a golden nugget and was a huge game changer for me. That section alone paid for the business course because of the weddings we booked from that knowledge. The peace of mind and the newfound confidence in my business is such an amazing feeling and one that every business owner should have!

“The client meeting walkthrough is seriously a golden nugget and was a huge game changer for me. That section alone paid for the Business Course!”



Back in 2014 I really wanted to pursue my photography passion. I remember taking a 6 week college course to jump stop my career. When I came out of that course I stumbled onto your free online video! From there I saved my money to purchase the shoot + editing course then the business course + finally the Posing

Left full-time medical job and waiting tables to run her photography business! 

“I officially have went FULL TIME as a wedding + lifestyle photographer right when COVID took place.”

Ready to enroll!





Course. I was working a full time job in the medical field + waiting tables on the weekend. Fast forward to today. I officially have went FULL TIME as a wedding + lifestyle photographer right when COVID took place. I thought I had made a huge mistake because of the time but from lots of praying and your teaching I was prepared! I’ve been busier than ever and able to serve my couples and families to the fullest!

Back in 2014 I really wanted to pursue my photography passion. I remember taking a 6 week college course to jump stop my career. When I came out of that course I stumbled onto your free online video! From there I saved my money to purchase the shoot + editing course then the business course + finally the Posing Course. I was working a full time job in the medical field + waiting tables on the weekend. Fast forward to today. I officially have went FULL TIME as a wedding + lifestyle photographer right when COVID took place. I thought I had made a huge mistake because of the time but from lots of praying and your teaching I was prepared! I’ve been busier than ever and able to serve my couples and families to the fullest!

“I officially have went FULL TIME as a wedding + lifestyle photographer right when COVID took place.”

Left full-time medical job and waiting tables to run her photography business! 


Just this last week, we made the last payment on our student loan debt that we have been attacking for the last 3 years. We have paid a total of 174k and really started to attack our debt when we took your courses. First SEC, then Posing, and then, of course, the Business course. It was truly because you were willing to share what you know and have learned that we were able to grow our income and pay the debt off. We can't tell you how thankful we are of you guys. 

We have a little girl that is 15 months old and her future will forever be different because I (Lindsay) came across an add on Instagram about taking better photos and somehow convinced that the investment would be worth it... That little course (that I binged in 2 days) kick-started a career, an opportunity to grow in our marriage and changed our future!

I'm sure you hear stories all the time about how you have helped so many with your hard work, but we just wanted to take the chance and share ours with you.

“It was truly because you were willing to share what you know and have learned that we were able to grow our income and pay the debt off.”

Paid off $175k in debt! 


Just this last week, we made the last payment on our student loan debt that we have been attacking for the last 3 years. We have paid a total of 174k and really started to attack our debt when we took your courses. First SEC, then Posing, and then, of course, the Business course. It was truly because you were willing to

Paid off $175k in debt! 

“It was truly because you were willing to share what you know and have learned that we were able to grow our income and pay the debt off.”

Ready to enroll!





share what you know and have learned that we were able to grow our income and pay the debt off. We can't tell you how thankful we are of you guys. 

We have a little girl that is 15 months old and her future will forever be different because I (Lindsay) came across an add on Instagram about taking better photos and somehow convinced that the investment would be worth it... That little course (that I binged in 2 days) kick-started a career, an opportunity to grow in our marriage and changed our future!

I'm sure you hear stories all the time about how you have helped so many with your hard work, but we just wanted to take the chance and share ours with you.

Since starting the Business Course, I’ve applied so many of the networking tools and am seeing amazing results! Starting out, I got rid of my ‘photography Instagram’ and went with my personal one opening up my personal life & journey for all to see. This has made a lot of new clients feel like they know me personally

Using her photography to give back to her community

“The best is yet to come, and I am SO excited when I see the day I can do this full time.”

Ready to enroll!





when they approach me! I have created & launches my website in what felt like a blink of an eye! Because of the networking module, I have a meeting this September with an organization called First Step Pregnancy. They help woman who are pregnant & in crisis. The idea of changing lives & making money sounded too good to be true. I began to strategize & pray & God lead me to this idea(I primarily shoot maternity/newborn/family) - to give these woman a free maternity session at the end of their completed parenting & council sessions w/ First Step along with a half off newborn session offer when their little one arrives. I am beyond excited for this meeting and even more excited to give of myself in this way! I’m not so sure I would have gotten this creative in my technique of networking if it wasn’t for this course. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! The best is yet to come, and I am SO excited when I see the day I can do this full time. 

Since starting the Business Course, I’ve applied so many of the networking tools and am seeing amazing results! Starting out, I got rid of my ‘photography Instagram’ and went with my personal one opening up my personal life & journey for all to see. This has made a lot of new clients feel like they know me personally when they approach me! I have created & launches my website in what felt like a blink of an eye! Because of the networking module, I have a meeting this September with an organization called First Step Pregnancy. They help woman who are pregnant & in crisis. The idea of changing lives & making money sounded too good to be true. I began to strategize & pray & God lead me to this idea(I primarily shoot maternity/newborn/family) - to give these woman a free maternity session at the end of their completed parenting & council sessions w/ First Step along with a half off newborn session offer when their little one arrives. I am beyond excited for this meeting and even more excited to give of myself in this way! I’m not so sure I would have gotten this creative in my technique of networking if it wasn’t for this course. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! The best is yet to come, and I am SO excited when I see the day I can do this full time. 

“The best is yet to come, and I am SO excited when I see the day I can do this full time.”



We're Shane and Anna, a husband-and-wife team based out of Minneapolis, MN. We are part of your Business Course and your Shooting and Editing Course and can't say enough about how incredible these courses were for our business over the past few years! We have so many wins we could share, but wanted to let you

Husband & wife who went from part-time to full time together! 

“We're not only surviving in our business, but thriving in one of the most challenging years of our lives.”

Ready to enroll!

Shane & Anna




know how grateful we are for your investment into other photographers!

Our wins include, but are not limited to: Celebrating 10 years in business this summer with over 240 weddings under our belt and countless portrait and senior sessions! Growing our business from part-time (while Shane was an elementary teacher and I was a mom of two littles), to full-time 3 years ago (after Shane left teaching and we had added two more kiddos to the mix). Using our business to not only become 100% debt free, but to bless various ministries that we have a heart for, even in, and especially in, an economic crisis year! (Thank you Jesus, and of course, Dave Ramsey!) Not only surviving in our business, but thriving in one of the most challenging years of our lives (COVID's got nothing on the God we serve - He is our provider and sustainer!) Jumping into a new journey as we expand our business to the world of sharing our passion with fellow photographers on our new YouTube channel!

We could share so many examples of the ways Amy & Jordan's hearts have encouraged us as we continue to serve others through our business. We're so thankful for their ministry to others and for humbly sharing their hearts by going above and beyond to out-serve each other and those you serve through photography, their educational courses, and their podcasts! Our marriage, parenting, and business owner hearts are full.

We're Shane and Anna, a husband-and-wife team based out of Minneapolis, MN. We are part of your Business Course and your Shooting and Editing Course and can't say enough about how incredible these courses were for our business over the past few years! We have so many wins we could share, but wanted to let you know how grateful we are for your investment into other photographers!

Our wins include, but are not limited to: Celebrating 10 years in business this summer with over 240 weddings under our belt and countless portrait and senior sessions! Growing our business from part-time (while Shane was an elementary teacher and I was a mom of two littles), to full-time 3 years ago (after Shane left teaching and we had added two more kiddos to the mix). Using our business to not only become 100% debt free, but to bless various ministries that we have a heart for, even in, and especially in, an economic crisis year! (Thank you Jesus, and of course, Dave Ramsey!) Not only surviving in our business, but thriving in one of the most challenging years of our lives (COVID's got nothing on the God we serve - He is our provider and sustainer!) Jumping into a new journey as we expand our business to the world of sharing our passion with fellow photographers on our new YouTube channel!

We could share so many examples of the ways Amy & Jordan's hearts have encouraged us as we continue to serve others through our business. We're so thankful for their ministry to others and for humbly sharing their hearts by going above and beyond to out-serve each other and those you serve through photography, their educational courses, and their podcasts! Our marriage, parenting, and business owner hearts are full.

“We're not only surviving in our business, but thriving in one of the most challenging years of our lives.”


Shane & Anna

My business before the Business Course was a hot mess! I didn't have much knowledge on how to manage many aspects of business. I didn't have any type of clear direction or guidance how to start building my foundation. I was running a business blind and pretending everything was fine. Although, I truly knew

Left her retail job of 14 years for freedom and flexibility!

“I'm able run my business in the most effective and productive way, knowing exactly what I need to do.”

Ready to enroll!





everything was a complete disaster. I never set any type of goals. As you can imagine how stressful this was for myself and my business. There was never any structure it was simply go with the flow. My booking and inquiries were almost nonexistent. I felt defeated many times and wanting to quit this dream of mine, but my heart was telling me don't do it just yet and I'm so glad I didn't give up.

After the Business Course, my business and I completely changed for the better! Now, I'm able run my business in the most effective and productive way, knowing exactly what I need to do. My inquiries are coming in like hotcakes and converting most of them into bookings. I raised my prices without a single complaint and I'm photographing at venues I never thought I would photograph. My work had been featured on a few sites. We are at the 1st quarter of the year and my goal for the year is almost met.

The Business Course has given my life back and taken my business to a whole new level! One of my biggest goals was to become a full time Photographer. After the Business Course, I was able to make my dream come true. I quit my retail job of 14 years and now I'm the happiest and feeling completely blessed. I am able to spend more quality time with family. Being a business owner gives you so many perks and flexibility that was missing dearly and clearly affected my business before the Business Course. I feel complete in many aspects of my life and I can't thank Amy and Jordan enough for creating this incredible course for people like me. Not enough words to express my gratitude for all you for me and others.

I knew from the beginning my business was weak and not fully functional. My first thought was "I can't afford another course" and "How can I even excuse another expense?" I was completely WRONG! The Business Course is GOLD! I'm so glad I invested in the business fundamentals it is worth every penny.

It surprised me how easy and understanding your course really is! Amy and Jordan make it fun and entertaining. I know this topic can get overwhelming with so much information. To my surprise you made it so easy to follow through.

 This course is the heart and soul to your business. Knowing and understanding everything single aspect is crucial for your success.
If you are on the fence.. Just DO IT! you will not regret it. I recommended this a thousand times. Before this course my business was a hot mess, now I'm happy to say, "I'm a proud business owner" THANK YOU Amy & Jordan for your teaching skills and the heart to help others. I will always be forever grateful.

My business before the Business Course was a hot mess! I didn't have much knowledge on how to manage many aspects of business. I didn't have any type of clear direction or guidance how to start building my foundation. I was running a business blind and pretending everything was fine. Although, I truly knew everything was a complete disaster. I never set any type of goals. As you can imagine how stressful this was for myself and my business. There was never any structure it was simply go with the flow. My booking and inquiries were almost nonexistent. I felt defeated many times and wanting to quit this dream of mine, but my heart was telling me don't do it just yet and I'm so glad I didn't give up.

After the Business Course, my business and I completely changed for the better! Now, I'm able run my business in the most effective and productive way, knowing exactly what I need to do. My inquiries are coming in like hotcakes and converting most of them into bookings. I raised my prices without a single complaint and I'm photographing at venues I never thought I would photograph. My work had been featured on a few sites. We are at the 1st quarter of the year and my goal for the year is almost met.

The Business Course has given my life back and taken my business to a whole new level! One of my biggest goals was to become a full time Photographer. After the Business Course, I was able to make my dream come true. I quit my retail job of 14 years and now I'm the happiest and feeling completely blessed. I am able to spend more quality time with family. Being a business owner gives you so many perks and flexibility that was missing dearly and clearly affected my business before the Business Course. I feel complete in many aspects of my life and I can't thank Amy and Jordan enough for creating this incredible course for people like me. Not enough words to express my gratitude for all you for me and others.

I knew from the beginning my business was weak and not fully functional. My first thought was "I can't afford another course" and "How can I even excuse another expense?" I was completely WRONG! The Business Course is GOLD! I'm so glad I invested in the business