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We help people take great photos and build profitable businesses that change lives. We’re high school sweethearts, former elementary school teachers and professional photographers. We're experts at making the complex feel simple and believe education is serious business, but learning should be fun.

hey, we're amy & jordan!



Life is really expensive. Does it ever feel like unexpected bills come of out nowhere and drain your bank account? We’re showing you how to avoid surprise expenses with our simple, automated savings plan that will help you eliminate panic in your personal finances once and for all. Navigating this Episode: 2:16 – What to […]

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Life can be messy… In relationships, conflict is inevitable — especially in marriage. We can’t avoid it, but we CAN choose to be proactive about setting guidelines to make our fights as productive as possible.We’re sharing the five rules for fighting that we use to move from heated conflict to healthy resolution. Navigating this Episode: […]

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Life can be overwhelming. It feels like we have a million things to do, and there’s never enough time to do it all. But is that really true? We’re sharing why multi-tasking is a myth and the real way we get more things done in less time. Navigating this Episode: 06:26 – Are we actually […]

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We’ve been keeping a secret for months… We have a BRAND NEW podcast! And it’s live today!! For a while now, our heart’s desire has been to connect with you on a deeper level, to be more vulnerable and transparent with you, and to share more of our real, everyday life with you. Hopefully in […]

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The Amy & Jordan Store

Courses & Tools for Photographers   

We help people take better photos and build successful photography businesses. We’re high school sweethearts, former elementary school teachers and professional photographers. We're experts at making the complex feel simple and believe education is serious business, but learning should be fun.

hey, we're amy & jordan!

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"I always look forward to your emails! I get excited every time I get an email notification that says 'Amy & Jordan!' Even though we've never formally met, you guys have pretty much become the photography mentor I've never had!" 

- priscilla T. 

"I LOVEEE the Monday Minute and I look forward to it every week!"

- brianna c.

"The Monday Minute has seriously changed the way I look at my business! In the last year, my business has completely changed and evolved and I know that it's greatly due to my time 'spent' with the two of you!" 

- nicole B.

"Best year of my life! (Photography-wise!)" 

- naomi D. 


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