There we were. In San Francisco. Standing on top of a tall grassy hill. The hill. The Full House hill. The one where so many of our childhood memories with our favorite TV family began. As kids, we wanted so badly to ride in the red convertible across the Golden Gate Bridge with Danny at the wheel. To jump on the back of Uncle Jessie’s motorcycle (post-mullet) or hear The Rippers play live. To go to one of Uncle Joey’s comedy shows… or maybe just hang out with his woodchuck. Did somebody say (long pause) woooood?! To start our day with “Wake up, San Francisco!” and end it by getting in trouble with DJ, Stephanie, and Michelle. Just so we could see Danny and the uncles walk through our bedroom door, sit on the side of our bed (to the end-of-episode-it’s-lesson-time music) and tell us how much they loved us, even though what we did was wrong. And, of course, it was our dream (more of a dream of Amy’s) to run. up. that. hill. In neon t-shirts and jean jackets. Smiling. Holding hands. As a family.
Well, we couldn’t do that, because The Tanners weren’t home. Not because they’re not a real family who doesn’t live there. We’ll never admit that. So, we needed a Plan B. And since it was just the two of us and we were there visiting by ourselves, we needed help re-creating that iconic TV moment and fulfilling our vision and childhood dream with a willing group of participants.
We looked around. To our left. Then our right. And noticed something: other twenty-somethings taking pictures together. Everywhere. And something we love about our generation is this: we’re all about taking pictures. All of us. So, Jordan suggested something Amy almost couldn’t believe. Except she’s been with him long enough to believe it. “Let’s get all these girls to run up the hill with us.” he said. And that’s exactly what we did. It started with Amy saying to one girl, “Do you want to run up the hill with us?” and led to Jordan announcing in front of all the tourists, “Whoever wants to run up the hill with us, we’re professional photographers and we’ll send you pictures!” Amy says Jordan’s a lot more approachable… when she’s around. Ha!
So, just like that, we recruited our new friends (who were so nice, and amazing sports, by the way!) to run up the hill with Amy. They were from Los Angeles, Chicago, and Boston. We’d never met them before and might never see them again, but we bonded over a mutual love of a TV show years ago that made a difference in our independent lives, and that was enough to do something silly with strangers — and have a blast doing it. Not everyone gets our generation (and that’s okay) but we’re glad to be part of one like this.
Speaking of our generation, we loved spending a few days in San Francisco with our sweet friends Natalie, Krista, and her husband (and one of Jordan’s latest man-crushes) Davey. These three took the entire industry by storm just over six months ago by founding The Rising Tide Society, an educational community for creatives that believes we’re all better when we work together. We couldn’t agree more. Which is the reason we went to San Fran in the first place, to learn more about their plans to grow the community this year to reach more people, change more lives, and see how we can help.
Together, we hiked up the hill (there are lots of hills in this post! and San Francisco!) overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge and dined at some of the most delicious (and trendiest) restaurants of our life. The highlights? Amy ate deviled eggs for the first time at Marlowe and… wait for it… LOVED. THEM. The burger and brussels sprout chips were really good, too. If you’re looking for other San Fran eateries, we ate at Cockscomb and Fog Harbor Fish House. Amy doesn’t eat seafood, but Jordan recommends the fish ‘n’ chips with the (heavenly) potatoes at the former, and clam chowder in a sourdough bread bowl (obvs) with a salmon BLT at the latter. Amy always recommends grilled cheese. We also ate at a carnival-themed place with clowns all over the walls. If you’re into cheeseburgers with donuts for buns and lamb in the shape of cupcakes, check that out. And then stop reading our blog and never talk to us again. Because no one should be in to lamb shaped as a cupcake! No one.
We were so thankful not only for time with friends, but time together, doing one of our favorite things in the whole world: walking and talking… without a care in the world. We were also thankful for Uber. Because hills. And Amy’s dad. For scooping our cats’ litter box when we decided to cancel our flight and stay an extra day (#reallife). Of all the favors people have done for us lately, that one deserves a special shout out. We didn’t get to Alcatraz this time (apparently you need to get tickets in advance), but after this week, we also aren’t planning on being away from the city for too long.
Love seeing new places? Here are links to our other travel adventures!
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