Happy Friday, friends!
If you’re new to Friday Fun, click here to read the first one before you get started! And if you’re already familiar with Friday Fun, welcome back! Here’s a recap of some of our favorite moments from the week: the small little things that may or may not matter, but nonetheless colored and flavored our week:
— An amazingly sweet friend who shall not be named sent us a box marked “fragile” via Mike (our favorite UPS delivery man) with… wait for it… a Nespresso machine inside. A NESPRESSO MACHINE INSIDE. And, just like that, all of our Penelope Cruz dreams came true. Who gives gifts like that? The gift of Penelope Cruz, we mean.
— The best part about the make and model of the Nespresso machine we got? Yes, still talking about the Nespresso machine. It came with a milk frother that does lattes, and it’s so easy that even Amy can make them. So, for now, she’s allowed back in the kitchen. On a temporary and highly restricted basis.
— A real fight in our house… “Okay, we can’t just listen to Pentatonic! There are other Christmas songs in the world” Amy yelled across the house. “But that’s Chriiissssstmas to me!” Jordan replied. Amy laughed. She also won. We’re currently listening to Judy Garland.
— We got to speak at a conference to over a thousand people, wait for it, IN OUR PAJAMAS. And it was awesome. Why aren’t all conferences online? It’d certainly help pajama sales.
— We hosted out second annual AJ Bride Christmas Party and Jordan got to channel his inner Ellen Degeneres. Yes, Jordan has an inner Ellen Degeneres. Don’t we all?
— Mike, our aforementioned UPS man who’s starting to make regular appearances on a blog he doesn’t even know exists, agreed to take a selfie with us by his truck next week. It just might be our most anticipated #DemosSandwich of the entire year. And he doesn’t even know that’s a thing.
— Jordan started officially asking people for early commitments to join his future presidential campaign team. So far, we’ve recruited Jen Olmstead as Press Secretary, Natalie Franke as Chief Strategist, Mary Marantz as speech writer, Katelyn James as Teal White House Decorator, Michael Alsop as events coordinator, a digital White House photographer (Annamarie Akins), a film one (Melissa Jill), and a black and white one (Justin Marantz) to have killer pictures… of everything. Caroline Logan and Hope Taylor, you got that youth vote on lockdown. Matt Kennedy is Canadian, so we’ll make him an ambassador of some type. So, there’s only on question left… who’s with us? Let’s send a message to Washington and #votedemos! For our kids. For our future.
p.s. A special photo credit to Timothy Eyrich and thank you to David Mendoza III. For making this graphic two years ago. When he assumed Jordan was Mexican. He’s Greek 😉
— We watched this video and busted. a. gut. Any other Instagram husbands out there? The struggle is real.
— We attended Showit’s plaid Christmas party and got lucky enough to take a picture with none other than Buddy the Elf. We knnnooowww him!
— We ate breakfast, lunch and dinner at home for every meal this week! How’d we do it? Coffee for breakfast (and sometimes Cheerios). Chili for lunch. A sweet friend took pity on us and make a weeklong supply that we’ve been reheating. This friend is straight up magic in the kitchen, by the way. Amy’s not a lasagna or chili eater (as we explained in last week’s Friday Fun) but she loves any meal from this magic friend. Also, we bought an entire ham from Costco and had that with baked potatoes for dinner. Can you tell it’s comfort food central over here?
And there you have it! This week’s Friday Fun! Class dismissed. Have a great weekend, friends! Catch up on older — but equally awesome! — Friday Fun posts here:
Edition 1 • Edition 2 • Edition 3 • Edition 4 • Edition 5