A few weeks ago, in the middle of our busiest season, when we thought we didn’t have time for anything else except our work, we made a last minute decision to pack our bags and head to Georgia for a marriage retreat. We’ve been revving our engine on red for quite some time. That’s our nature, we guess. Go, go, go! We’ll sleep when we’re dead! And we love our fast-paced lifestyle. We do. But something told us that we needed to slow down. Just for a little bit. To disconnect from the business we love and reconnect with the person we love. To sit around late-night bonfires and laugh like we haven’t in a while. To lay awake into the early morning hours talking like we did the first night we spent in our first home together. To remember that in order to love our clients well and celebrate their love, we have to draw a line between being business partners and life partners and cherish ours, too.
Last year, we committed to doing at least one professional portrait session every twelve months, but we’re already ahead of our goal because we did a fall session in October at Melissa Jill’s workshop and this spring session in April while at the marriage retreat. That’s definitely one advantage of spending a few days with 40 other husband and wife photography teams: session swaps! A special thanks to our two dear friends Annamarie Akins from Richmond, Virginia, and Alison Mish from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, for taking our cameras, letting us get on the other side of the lens, and helping us make some beautiful memories together. We L-O-V-E these photos! You two are both so talented, and we feel blessed to call you friends!
Sometimes we have to put our cameras down to remember why we picked them up in the first place: to give others the gift of happiness we feel we when we get to see our love through a new lens.