Happy Friday, friends!
We’re back at home in Arizona after a few days of teaching and connecting with two groups of amazing photographers in Seattle and Vancouver. We’re completely exhausted, but completely exhilarated! There’s nothing more fulfilling than helping photographers serve their brides better and build their businesseses, and we had so much fun spending time with so many great friends, and meeting so many awesome new ones, too. We’ll have a full recap of our trip to the Pacific Northwest to share with you next week! But until then, we couldn’t wait to share a few photos taken by our good friend and super talented Vancouver photographer Matt Kennedy just a few minutes after we crossed the US-Canada border on Tuesday in what had to be the most spontaneous photo shoot we’ve ever done!
Before we explain, we just have to say that Matt Kennedy is one of our favorite people on the planet. Aside from being an incredible husband to his beautiful wife and a dedicated father to his adorable children, he’s also an amazing shooter and a passionate photographer educator. He has such a heart for helping other photographers grow and succeed, and it was such an honor for us to get to watch him thrive in his element and teach on his home turf. And if all that‘s not impressive enough, he also sings. Like really sings. We mean, seriously, is this guy even real?!
Matt is one of those people you can’t help but love. We have such a deep respect and admiration for who he is — and he’s just so much fun to be around, as you might’ve picked up from this picture of all three of us together! So, when Matt let us know that he was scheduled to teach a mini-workshop at 6:00 p.m. before our teaching event at 7:00 p.m. the night we were driving into Canada, and his scheduled models had to reschedule, even though he probably had a long list of couples who were dying to get in front of his camera that night, he so graciously let us fill in! The only trick was we had to fight traffic to make it into Canada in time, and when we got the news, we were still in Seattle! We pushed it right up to the minute, but we made it! We crossed the border at 5:45 p.m., drove 15 minutes to a local park while Amy attempted to freshen up her hair and makeup between the speed bumps (using her computer screen as a mirror, because that’s what you do when you’re on the road, or course!), we jumped out of the car at 6:00 p.m. (just in the nick of time!), and got in front of his camera (and a few others) for a quick mini-session before jumping back in the car to head to our event. It was the most spontaneous photo session we’ve ever done, but we’re so glad we did, because we’ll never have a first time visit to Canada again, and now we’ve got memories of this latest adventure to last us a lifetime.
Thanks again, Matt! We love you, bud.
Photo Credit: Matt Kennedy