Dear Amy,
The summer rain is trickling down and the sunshine is pouring through the window, lighting up your giggles and spotlighting your gasps. You’ve got a glass of wine in one hand and you’re turning the pages with the other. You’re reading a book that you love, a story that’s sucked you in over the past few weeks and kept our nightstand lamps awake longer than normal. You’re bundled up on the couch and you keep telling me, “Just a few more pages…” even though I know that it’s not true. I don’t know much about the novels you read, because I live in the land of non-fiction most of the time, but I do know this one’s about marriage, one of life’s greatest adventures, the one that you’ve joined me on, and the one that we’ll be on together forever. We’re high school sweethearts, you and me. I’ve watched you cheer from the track in a green and gold uniform and walk down the aisle in a flowing white dress. Both times I saw you, I never thought I could love you more. Every time I see you, I never think I can love you more. And that’s how I feel right now, listening to you giggle and gasp, reading the chapters of someone else’s love story, when little do you know, you’re writing a chapter of our own.
Here’s to 9 birthdays together and a lifetime of happiness to go…